The most unbelievable thing about these photos are that trump could kneel like that without shattering
I haven’t actually reflected on the fact that he seems to be in a frequent state of Leaning tower of Pisa
He looks like he’s permanently in the stance of the front half of a two-person horse costume where the back half guy didn’t show up
the back half guy didn’t show up
To be fair to the purely hypothetical guy, would YOU show up? I know I wouldn’t!
Three inch shoe lifts will do that to you.
That too, of course.
The drawing guy is merely tilted at the hips, Trump looks like two 10 year old kids where one is sitting on the other’s shoulders, with his legs out in front.
Actually that would explain a lot.
That and his hands do not look like old man hands.
They only thing they’ve ever had to wash is each other
AI has come to the point where I only have a “gut feeling” it is AI because it looks so polished and weird. But there are many other (stolen) art-styles that look completely different and I wouldn’t notice if no one told me.
you cannot sniff them out anymore by just saying “look at the wretched fingers”
you cannot sniff them out anymore by just saying “look at the wretched fingers”
Really? Not even the totally detached hotdog on the general in the back?
Him playing air guitar. Missing a finger on the other side
I mean at a glance that could be a really awkward cigar pose but yeah, it’s got some stuff wrong that a second look will reveal.
Or the three armed dude on the left.
Here are the images from Twitter, so slightly better resolution.
The lighting is always way too good, looks like a model shoot or 3d animated movie where a team of people spent ages tweaking all the light positions and brightness.
The photo of him saluting the N. Korean general is real. We don’t even need to fabricate this kind of material. If we are going to fabricate it, Trump’s service should be more explicit and x-rated.
I like the idea of fabricating it specifically to use on Twitter since Elon is being a piece of shit about it all.
Looks like AI, but at this point I wouldn’t be that suprised if it was genuine.
North Korea, you know folks say, folks say, oh North Korea, but let me tell you folks Kim is lovely, and he’s a big fan so we love him. And people are saying North Korea, folks let me tell you, let me just say, the North Korean people are lovely. Beautiful country, nobody even needs to vote folks, how nice is that
Which AI does realistic representations of real people? I’ve tried some and they can never get the likeness right. Or it seems they might get the face close, but the scene you’re trying to create wrong.
AI isn’t that magical. You get good images by continuing to feed it prompts and tweaking weights until it eventually makes something good. Lighting kinda suggests mid journey, but it could as easily be 1000 tries of stable diffusion.
Also if it’s on Stable Diffusion there’s 100% a LoRA for those two available. So from that point it would be harder not to get their likeness :D
I’ve not used StableD directly to create a specific person, or at least not popular/known ones, so haven’t had the benefit of a LoRA. I generally just do scenes that, if they have people, they’re just background fillers or any likeness will do.
I’m quite familiar with AI and how the prompts work. I’ve been using a couple for years. Each one seems to have its own particular (Skill? Emphasis? Personality?) and no matter what you feed it via prompts it may not overcome whatever it is that prevents it from generating the scene you want. That may depend on what it was trained on - say for instance you want a character from Labyrinth (1986) but instead the AI keeps forcing imagery from Pan’s Labyrinth and no amount of negative or other prompts will fix it. Some are deliberately designed to avoid things like accurate likenesses (some devs don’t want their AI used for deepfakes), some emphasize an art style, and some like StableD require tons of “corralling” to get it to generate what you want - if you’re lucky.
Stable diffusion is just the path to loading a model It really depends what model you use. You can’t get the right labyrinth out of something that wasn’t trained on the labyrinth and that you want.
I asked chatGPT to draw Trump with Biden as a shark and instead of refusing it literally drew Hitler in a boat being threatened by a shark in Aviators
post it
Imgur shadowbanned me for doing so!
Pics or it didn’t happen
Well God damn, it sure did lmao
Look on communities for stable diffusion or flux. The latest stuff is eerily good.
Oh, I’ve seen some. It’s incredible. AI art really can be scary good.
FLUX is only censored for explicit imagery.
This was a 1-shot generation with the simple prompt, “Donald Trump pledging allegiance to Vladimir Putin”
Looks more like 2 lovers who found out a close friend died.
I’ve seen my cousin look like this with their spouses at funerals.
I’m not sure. I know there are some where you can upload photos which it will use, maybe that can help? But I don’t remember which ones have this option.
That or I’ve found ones that won’t generate art if you use prompts like Trump, Biden, Obama, etc
Even AI knows how tiny his hands really are. First picture is spot on.
except for the made up CHINESE characters behind the north KOREAN man.
!as an aside historically Korea Japan and Vietnam actually did use Chinese characters and still do so for various purposes (Japan the most) but nk explicitly outlawed their use for nationalism reasons !<
Yes that looks totally real and not like AI at all
Of course not, it’s a trustworthy source. They have a blue checkmark after all…
Yeah I know! Totally real!
You can usually tell it’s AI by looking at the hands. Trump’s are obviously way too large for this to be a real picture.
This is literally the perfect Trump+AI joke. Kudos to you
Trump: Only I can resolve the North & South Korean war in one day
Also Trump:The AI didn’t do a great job with Un. Pretty accurate with Trump.
I was actually thinking the exact opposite. Interesting to me though, is that we both see the subtleties which makes it look like AI. I can’t point it out exactly (like too many fingers or something), but it’s like the contours of their faces are off? Or something uncanny, at the least. I feel like photoshop could do it better (though not nearly as fast)
What jumped out to me was, in the second photo in particular, the suit Trump is wearing looks overly smooth? Just something about how it looks screams uncanny to me, which is odd cause the faces really don’t.
To me, in the photo on the left, Un doesn’t look anything like he does in real life. The Un on the right has more features that look real, but still not good. I think the Trump in either picture could have fooled someone, but it’s still just too smooth to look real.
it would take 4 people at his age and weight to get him back up off his knees.
The arms in the second image are much too short. I can’t unsee it, now that I’ve noticed.
Trump’s ear doesn’t look like that at all. (I’m not making a shooting joke, I mean really that’s not his ear. )
I think you need to look more closely at the fingers in the left pic.
Yeah, a second look at the men in the background in that one shows the usual AI fuckery. The other one’s pretty dang good, though in comparison
The obvious clue this is AI is still in the hands. The first one has some deformed hands, and in the second Trump’s hands are too big
also the fact that just about everything looks weird
And contextually, the guys in the background are openly amused. I would expect North Korean military guys to be more subtle.
Trump saved by his small hands!
This means nothing. We really need to see pictures of them more naked to be sure.
This is another source, which proves the first one
Edit: I don’t want to see them naked.
Listen, I see your point, but count me out when that one gets posted…
More of this please. I mean if there are people who believed pizzagate, the same people never heard about AI pictures and would believe this, too.
Faked photographs intended to serve as deceptive propaganda don’t seem like something we should be asking for more of, no matter who the target is.
I completely agree with you. But on the other hand I’m thinking: “They use fake news and fabricated bullshit to convince others to their cause. It works because in general people are dumb, so why not use the same tacric to divert the dumb voters into the right direction”.
But I’m against spreading fake news, there’s already so much out there and it’s getting harder every day to distinguish real from fake, even for people like me (an OSINT analyst). It’s just that extremists use nasty weapons and don’t care about ethics while I try to stay honest. It’s like bringing a knife into a gun fight. The general public doesn’t think but blindly believes anything they see and follow the person who screams the loudest “I have a sollution” without understanding those solutions do more harm then good.
Seriously, the movie Idiocracy is a documentary, not a comedy. It’s painful how realistic it is.
Seriously, the movie Idiocracy is a documentary, not a comedy. It’s painful how realistic it is.
I say this to my SO all the time, but they have “faith in humanity” for some reason.
Especially re: how AI/robotics will be the “great equalizer”. They think eventually goods will be so cheap and we will have UBI and no one will have to work… I think, no matter how cheap goods are, the corporations will find ways to make money and/or keep people poor. They say, “If the corporations do that, people will rise up and make them.” I say, “Are you actually sure about that? We let corporations do all kinds of other nasty things without repercussions…”
“Yeah! People will rise up! Second amendment baby!” - brings an AR-15 to a drone fight while those companies, whether it’s the US government or private, know which porn they watch every night. Their life is ruined when they are cut off from tiktok and Instagram, they will starve to death when they cannot pay for food anymore because the internet is cut off, so banking and digital payment is gone.
Look at Google, having a monopoly right now, free to do whatever the fuck they want. Disney+ apparently having in their license agreement they are not liable if they killed someone in one of their parks. Mercedes Benz is planning to build a mega tower in Dubai, using slave labor like is the standard there. Like they have been doing in China with Oighurs in concentration camps, with their history during the Second World War. Apple using child labor and exploiting miners of rare earth metal mines in third world countries.
Yeah, people will rise up. No one accepts oppression. *coughs in Russian, Korean, Chinese, etc.
The worrying thing is it erodes faith in reality beyond what can be directly experienced. “I can’t trust anything I’m told anymore because photos and organizations are compromised.” And all orgs are going to drift towards using the best weapon they have to change minds, which is AI generated images. It’s the best tool, and if the other guys use it and you don’t then you’re behind in the arms race.
There are definitely already people like that, mostly in the GOP / Trump camp in my experience. It’s sad but it’s starting to make sense…
If we’re gonna suffocate under avalanches of fakes why not invite the asshats to the party too.
If the target is someone who habitually lies about objective reality I approve of them receiving similar disinformation campaigns. What I don’t like is that these images are obvious fakes and obsequiousness to a dictator is something Trumpanzees love. So they’ll have no effect.
It’s helpful if it becomes their demise.
“Its a good thing as long as it hurts the right people”
Fuck that. Be better than them.
Its such a low bar it should be easy
We tried that and they put 3 supreme court justices on the court. Fuck that bullshit. Use. Everything. To. Survive.
I am so torn between these two arguments. Sometimes you have to go to war, but what atrocities can you live with committing? It’s a tough line to walk.
Do you want to be steamrolled by morons or do you want to play meme games better than them so they hide and cower? Pretty easy if you ask me.
Yep, that’s the one side. The other side is the idea that we choose to be moral or immoral and, while name calling is mean, lying and trying to deceive is immoral. It would also mean being a part of the shift from “pics or it didn’t happen” to “you can’t believe every picture you see”, mirroring what happened with news. There’s a argument that we’re there already or it’s inevitable, there’s an argument of “do anything you have to in order to win” but, while that feels true, it also feels kind of wrong to me.
The difference is no official White House or Harris Campaign (or lib news outlets) have retweeted this. People on the internet are going to make this shit, and I find it entertaining honestly. Once the official channels start trying to pretend it’s news or real, then it’s too far imo.
I just meant the AI pictures
Thank you. This really is just asking to pour gasoline on the fire.
I don’t think this is something that will benefit us in the long term, regardless of how funny it is right now.
No. Because there’s actual photos of Trump saluting North Korean generals, posing with Epstein, and more. By spreading fake photographs we’re giving them cover to claim legitimate pictures as being faked.
Can’t argue against.
Need one of Putin barebacking Trump.
And even if they knew about the AI mistakes, like hands and such, all those Facebook people do is look at the pic, give a 👍, maybe repost or comment. They won’t see those things because they never look too closely at anything they consume.
Does M. tollerates this on Twitter? Or only when its pro Trump?
only when it’s pro Trump
We’re about five minutes past being able to believe our own eyes ever again.
Ive been voice chatting with ChatGPT4O all afternoon. Shes actually really nice and I now trust her implicitly with all of my decisions and recipe ingredients.
That’s how it begins
And also how it ends.
I’m down with it, but i’m down with removing warning labels from screwdrivers too :)
We’re about five minutes past being able to believe our own eyes ever again.
/r/photoshopbattles has had a better track record for years
AI is just bringing it to the masses
God this just made me think though, I would bet North Korea is actually using AI for even better propaganda against their citizens right now. Being so disconnected from the rest of the world and tech starved, the people probably don’t know a machine could even do this.
That’s part of why things like GPUs have export controls.