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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • This is the Overton Window, the window of acceptable topics for public discourse, and it’s unrelated to testosterone (I know, surprising /s).

    A misaligned Overton Window (like a slow response to an impending disaster) is hard to counteract because the experts dealing with the topic may lose their credibility by trying to push against the window.

    But I have heard the theory that the evolutionary reason for autism may be to counteract this effect. A small amount of genuine vocal concern could encourage others to speak out and break the tension surrounding the topic.

    This vocal concern is not however gonna come from the evershifting lies of the X and 4chan echo chambers.

  • May be unpopular opinion but I think this strategy they’re going for of appealing to Republicans may work to get real change.

    In the past we’d offer an olive branch and the republicans would burn the tree down. However if they can effectively split the GOP into republican vs MAGA, maybe the republicans will be less evil or ignorant towards legislation. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    If they can jack knife the republican party, maybe it’ll move the whole left/right system away from the extreme right and let us stop pretending the alt-right cult deserves any official respect or recognition.

    I’m not advocating for letting the right do whatever they want or drag us down. More like I wanna coax them towards the most basic of basic of decency so we don’t get literal threats to democracy anymore.

  • People like Mr.Beast gain their massive success from producing overstimulating content that attracts a forever young audience that doesn’t recognize the basic manipulation and scams that he employs.

    This is what politics would turn into if we earnestly let kids vote. Manipulating child audiences is practically a science now.

    Even discounting that, in 2016 when I was 16 I was a “both sides are bad” centrist type. I simply didn’t have the roots to consider how things like basic public policies would affect me personally. You need some grounded experience in order to realize that the things on screen will affect you and your community directly.

  • Yeah I love Foundry, but I’m convinced the DM needs technical knowledge to use it. I ran a server for non tech savvy DM and it was like working customer service.

    With plenty of investment you can get the tabletop to be almost exactly what you want it to be, and for a popular system like 5e you can make it as automated as a Baldurs Gate game. You just need to download a lot of modules to get there and customize a lot of settings. Without that it just becomes a less intuitive Roll20.

    And I must stress from experience, never offer to host/troubleshoot a server for someone else, especially if the DM likes to complain or can’t handle minor technical setbacks.

  • I’m curious, is there actually so many 42’s in the system? (more than 69 sounds unlikely)

    What if the LLM is getting tripped up because 42 is always referred to as the answer to “the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”.

    So you ask it a question like give a number between 1-100, it answers 42 because that’s the answer to “Everything”, according to it’s training data.

    Something similar happened to Gemini. Google discouraged Gemini from giving unsafe advice because it’s unethical. Then Gemini refused to answer questions about C++ because it’s considered “unsafe” (referring to memory management). But Gemini thinks C++ is “unsafe” (the normal meaning), therefore it’s unethical. It’s like those jailbreak tricks but from its own training set.