Just yesterday, Google held a splashy event to show off its latest lineup of hardware products, including Google Pixel smartphones. As the event made clear, these devices, as well as the broader ecosystem of third-party Android hardware products, are the most important vehicle for Google’s AI ambitions—without Android, Google has no obvious way to ensure that billions of people get to interact with its Gemini-powered chatbots and other AI services on a daily basis. (Indeed, one can imagine Google’s leverage of Android to promote Gemini being the kind of issue that could inspire a future antitrust suit in the U.S. or elsewhere.)

As we know, Google is pushing AI features into Android and of course Google’s AI learns everything from its users. And as users are becoming more dependent on Google and it could control the lives of billions of people in the future.

And there’s no privacy, since our data is Google’s gold mine and they will dig it up as much as they can.