But how will corporations monetize it tho!? Capitulate now!!
But how will corporations monetize it tho!? Capitulate now!!
What’s there to understand?
Starting off way too obtuse and disconnected from reality to have a conversation. Later.
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*These photos were curated from 20,000 inmate photos
Sounds real
You’re going a lot off hypotheticals. You’re trying to say the election was lost because some closeted republicans voted in their own interests?
How about the obvious explanations which we saw every day? People claiming to be on the left who voted third party or sat at home. And people who voted in 2020 but couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. Those were BAD voter decisions and we know for sure they happened. Grasping at straws to explain the electoral outcome when those are right there in our face… Is concerning to me.
I think it’s less about ux and more about being confused. People aren’t faking being confused. I’m pretty tech savvy but had to do a double take. Still don’t fully understand the nuances of federation after over a year and a half. I don’t really need to understand all of it though.
I don’t really want them here, but I’d rather them be here than on reddit. Reddit is more toxic than this place and a lot of that comes top down. At least here people can spin off an instance the minute admins/mods act like dicks. There, the culture just gets worse and festers and it contributes to toxicity in the world outside itself. Imagine if the r/theDonald pricks have been ostracized and started their own instance which most instances defederated with quickly.
One last point… are we now choosing to rewrite history that Obama was the only leftist in the history of the Democratic party?
Yes, and our culture has changed a LOT since all of that. There is plenty of blame to go around, but I can’t not blame people who can literally look up any information in the world in seconds from a device in their pocket, but instead they simply choose to believe whatever horseshit they already believe. No skepticism whatsoever.
Then other voters who don’t give enough of a shit to even go vote have the gall to want to be seen as superior for that – because they’d rather the world burn if they can’t get their way. Fuck this timeline. Your previous comment suggests you won’t have to suffer this like I will-- I’m American
I’m not sure where you got that I need that condescending lecture. I don’t, and it’s beside the point entirely.
My point was that a protest vote or staying home is somehow forgivable to people like you who rage about Democrats when in reality voters chose this fucking horror show. You’d love for me to believe it’s all the fault of Democrats for being super conservative or whatever, but the evidence in front of us doesn’t support that. It’s just weird speculation in which you choose to blame the party and ignore voters’ bad actions.
It’s quite easy to see the “if I can’t have it my way, trump can fuck everything up” attitude in voters who say they’re leftists, but instead you only see it in Democrats.
By your same logic, these super smart “leftists” would rather Donald Trump usher in fascism than the rest of us not move further left.
You could have easily provided some vague answer that would’ve been slightly helpful. But that would assume you’re here with good faith 😉
Name one way trump improved your life.
Thousands of people are currently dead because he did almost nothing to combat COVID, the economy wrecked partially for the same reason. Biden didn’t do a ton to improve or worsen economic conditions. And the public wasn’t aware of the few good things he actually did. Many people believed all the hilariously false shit about the damned laptop.
The reason trump is president right now is that a lot of billionaires worked to brainwash less educated people into voting squarely against their own interests.
Trump is currently letting the world’s richest man dismantle the government from within. If that one fact alone doesn’t alarm you I don’t know what to tell you.
Trump’s mishandling of COVID was nothing compared to the death and destruction he’s currently setting in motion. It will take this country 100 years to recover, if it ever does.
Good luck buying food once he deports millions of immigrants that currently make the food as cheap as it even is now. You won’t have to imagine produce prices tripling, you’ll see it if he actually does that shit.
Trump enriched the rich at the expense of the working person, just like he did in his first term. There are a million other things I could point out but I doubt you’d listen to a single one of them
If you’re paying any attention, you’d be seeing you’ll get nothing but precisely the opposite of what you claimed you voted for. Given Trump’s history, you have no leg to stand on believing that liar.
That doesn’t even make sense. A face is a full on situation. Right…