Something you’ve probably heard by now is that the Republican Party’s decision to decimate reproductive rights—and celebrate the overturning of Roe v. Wade like it was the greatest thing to ever happen to America—has not gone over great with voters. The 2022 midterm elections, which were supposed to be a red tsunami for the GOP, were anything but: Democrats picked up a seat in the Senate and Republicans just barely took back the House, with voters in critical states citing abortion as the most important issue of the day. A year later, the right to an abortion was enshrined in Ohio’s state constitution; Kentucky voters reelected pro-choice governor Andy Beshear; and Democrats took control of Virginia’s state legislature, preventing the GOP governor from limiting abortion moving forward, which he’d planned to do. The results were unambiguous: The American people want abortion rights.
Now, with the 2024 election less than a year away, what are Republicans running for higher office to do? According to GOP strategist and Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, the answer is simple: make their campaign slogan something like, “Yeah, we took away your reproductive rights, but, hey, we’re letting you keep contraception, and that’s something!”
“We beat you nearly to death, but we didn’t kill you.” Wow.
“Hey look buddy you’re being unreasonable right now. How about a light 'beating you nearly to death, but you get to watch TV while we do it?”
I suppose that would depend on what I get to watch.
I had to double check that this wasn’t the onion…
Works for Batman.
…but we didn’t kill you. Yet.
And then as they always do, the second they win, they’ll be coming for that too.
Start? Already coming after it.
Oh we already know that, but they’re gonna be two faced and try to play it off like they’re not… then the mask comes off 1 microsecond after they win.
If you are a woman voting R you absolutely are a traitor.
And they themselves will be betrayed. Just ask any recently divorced Florida woman what happened when they put time limits on alimony payments. Women who voted for the “Leopards Eating People’s Faces” Party shocked when the leopards ate their faces.
Just ask any recently divorced Florida woman what happened when they ended no-fault divorce.
Did this happen in the last 2 months? I found an article from this past October saying FL is still no-fault.
They might be talking about Florida putting time limits on Alimony payments.
I think that’s it. I remember last year or the year before they ended something that pissed off a lot of rich white Karens who voted Republican, not realizing that losing out on their paycheck was a consequence of voting Republican. And Republicans will eventually go after no-fault divorce, too.
I am ignorant to what no-fault divorce is. What does it actually mean/do? Is it like no-fault car accidents, where a police officer still will write a ticket to one driver and the insurance companies will treat it as whoever was at fault their insurance pays… all the while claiming no one is at fault? (Really meaning that they can increase insurance costs for all drivers)
I grew up in Florida, got said ticket for an accident in 2006 or 2007. Never understood it.
It means you can get a divorce for any reason. Without that, you have to show evidence of wrongdoing by your spouse in court before you can get divorced. Needless to say, this can be very difficult if your spouse is good at covering their tracks, or if you can’t afford a lawyer to help present your case.
Basically eliminating no fault divorce would help abusers and nobody else.
It’s also difficult to prove if you’re the lone woman in the courtroom, and the judge and jury are all men.
Or Woefully ignorant. I know some of those
Ooh, someone finally realized current polling is way off from the actual results at the voting booth.
The #GOP finally caught the car, now they are getting pulled under the tire.
I’m looking forward to the GOP joining the Know-Nothings in the trash bin of history.
The number is 10k per day.
I did the math a few years ago because I couldn’t find anyone else who had published it. This is rough and IANAM (mathmagicman).
Every single day 8,000 boomers and above die, and 12,000 people turn 18 and those numbers are actually accelerating. If you use existing data to estimate conservative/liberal and likely voters within those groups it works out to a delta of 10,000 per day on a national scale. That’s 5,000 votes switching every single day. That might not seem like alot. Because it really isn’t. Out of 155 million votes cast, 10,000 is .006 percent. But here’s the thing. It’s cumulative. And it just doesn’t stop. It is relentless. it’s 300k a month, 3.6 million per year. And that pace is accelerating. Between 2020 and 2024 it’s a 15 million vote difference. By 2028 it’s 30 million. It used to be that people age into conservatism. But that is not happening with millennials. The demographics are changing, and changing quickly. The most conservative group in the country is dying. While the most liberal group is rising.
We just have to hold on to democracy for a few more years. This will all be behind us. Another 10k today.
This isnt even factoring in the mass extinction event that was the covid pandemic. At first it hit everyone equally but once the vaccine came out and they decided to die on their stupid little hill the numbers skewed disproportionately towards the unvaccinated being the ones impacted in subsequent waves. We have confirmed this now in a few studies and I saw it first hand working in the emergency department.
That absolutely accelerated the trend you’re describing and I think they are just now realizing that the maga train is careening towards its demise and their bold strategy to worship a conman is going to cost them everything.
This year will be the final deciding factor on that. If we can rid ourselves from trump we can prove that there is still hope for this nation. I’m not so naive to think that there won’t be a new conman to take his place and we won’t find ourselves in an endless fight. But if we can’t stop trump and he somehow gets back in power then there’s absolutely no hope for this nation.
I completely agree. And although some polls indicate Trump strength, Biden hasn’t begun yet. The campaign hasn’t started. When it does, I really think it’s a clear Trump defeat.
And that doesn’t even take into account how polling landlines introduces a huge sampling bias. I have my cell phone set on do not disturb unless you’re in my contact list. Most tech savy people don’t answer unknown numbers.
They know it. The powers that be realize Trump is unelectable.
I love the math, but this assumes that all people vote. And we know Republicans have been attacking the voting rights of people for decades now and that too is accelerating.
They have to cheat to win even now.
They literally started their math is based on voting population in their post. Sure, this doesn’t account for cheating, but the Dems are also making headway on minimizing gerrymandering in a lot of swing states.
Not to mention, gerrymandering straight up stops working once the demographics are so skewed that it can’t compensate for them any longer. I just hope we can keep this place a (small-d) democracy long enough for that to happen.
Um, the correct term is “Mathemagician.” /j
But I agree that if we can hold on long enough and not slide into apathy, we can outlast the Conservatives.
Potential problems with your theory are that old people voting percentage isn’t way higher than young people and that people tend to get more conservative as they age.
The boomers were the ones out protesting the Vietnam War and fighting for civil rights. Now they are the establishment and behaving the same as those who they protested in their youth.
Hopefully, the batshit craziness will die down, but there will be new conservatives to replace the ones who die off.
People tend to get more conservative as they gain wealth and have something to conserve, hence that trend not continuing for millennials as of yet
This is the real answer. And it makes sense too. Also, your formative years impact your beliefs. Gen X is increasingly conservative, even though they’re stuck in the same crap as millennials. They grew up in the “greed is good” 80s.
Notice how millennials are the least conservative generation by far? That’s what comes from being shit on by the economy for years.
people tend to get more conservative as they age.
My father has been telling me this for decades. When I was 18, he said that I’d become a conservative at 21. In my 20’s, he said I’d become a conservative in my 30’s. In my 30’s, it was in my 40’s. Now that I’m 48, he says that I’ll become a conservative “when I get older.” (I guess he got tired of updating the date.)
Meanwhile, if anything, I’m getting more liberal. If you asked me in 2010 about gay marriage/marriage equality, I probably would have answered “marriage is for men and women, gay people should be allowed to have civil unions, though.” Obviously, that’s not my current position. Now, I think any two consenting adults should be allowed to marry (with very few exceptions - e.g. cases of incest). I didn’t get more conservative as I aged, I got more liberal.
Furthermore, if people get more conservative as they age, how does one explain Bernie Sanders?
Yes, some people get stuck in the past and can’t keep up, but there isn’t a hard and fast rule that says people move to the right as they age.
Same boat. I went from teenage Libertarian to European style Socialism please.
The boomers were the ones out protesting the Vietnam War and fighting for civil rights. Now they are the establishment and behaving the same as those who they protested in their youth.
Neither of my parents did. Same goes for my step-father, even though he was a self-proclaimed “hippy” as a young man.
A lot of those neo-progressive protesters didn’t survive / keep voting rights into the 2020’s for various reasons, intentional & otherwise.
and that people tend to get more conservative as they age.
I don’t think that’s particularly accurate. I don’t think people radically change their political ideology after reaching adulthood. Rather, the political spectrum shifts around them.
I would say that today’s progressives are yesterday’s radicals, and tomorrow’s conservatives.
I like to think we have two progressive parties, just one is lagging the other by about 60 years.
This will all be behind us.
And then we’ll have new bullshit ahead of us.
Yes. We will go back to fighting about policy rather than the existence of democracy.
Oh, so it’s just back to the same bullshit from before. I should have expected that.
What was your expectation before?
Disagreeing about the best path forward and finding compromise is what democracy is, so honestly I can’t imagine what else you expected.
I don’t know. I forgot I lived in the US for a minute I guess. I was just hoping we might have new bullshit. But it’ll be the same bullshit system so it’s gonna produce the same bullshit.
Ya know the only new bullshit we could possibly have is a civil war right? And let me put this kindly unless ya feel like dying or seeing your friends and family dying ya better fucken not want a civil war. And by Odin even my bloodthirsty ass doesnt even want that, sure gutting a fascist could be fun but id rather not have to fight my stupdier kith and kin.
Limes, cut thick or thin?
No we won’t. This is the end game. We’re 2 decades, conservatively, from the singularity. Everything could collapse at any time. Either one could happen next year, next decade, or never. One of those will happen within the lifetime of most people alive today
There is an end to the bullshit, and you’ll probably see it
That’s basically where they are in California. No GOP candidate has won a state-wide seat in a long time and in the legislature they seem to be permanently in the minority.
I just can’t wrap my head around how the party survived the Bush administration. Oh wait, propaganda. Thats how
And racial hatred
“We’re letting you keep contraceptives”
- No, they are not.
- Who the fuck do they think they are?
How are there enough Americans supporting these facists that they feel comfortable saying shit like this?
I don’t think I want to live here anymore.
There aren’t. Supreme Court is compromised, the fifth circuit is compromised. Gerrymandering and other nonsense that weakens our democratic ability to vote.
We could make so many changes from one person one vote to ranked voting to ending the two political party dominance and we’d see these people disappear overnight.
But they have the money and the friends to prevent that from happening
And if we had a simple popular vote for president, majority could not be terrorized by minority cult, because they would have veto power over insane legislation. But y’know… “if my grandma had wheels she’d be a bicycle.”
My dad was military, pro constitution (even though he’s said multiple times that the right to bare arms was written into the deceleration of independence) and has said he needs to fight the woke left to protect America. I pointed out how republican states are banning books, going against the 1st ammendment. His response was “some times you need to take away people’s rights for their own good.” It would be hilarious if it weren’t so scary how the right is willing to sell out every ounce of morality just to win.
“some times you need to take away people’s rights for their own good.”
Sounds like something he’d imagine Stalin might’ve said.
Dark money insulates them from the consequences of their words and actions.
Be about 30 immigrants willing to replace anyone who wants to leave. My plan is simple: as of now my family can legally flee, thanks to my wife’s duel citizenship and right to return rules for descendents in her country. I will remain and stick it out no matter how bad it gets.
I will remain and stick it out no matter how bad it gets.
Waiting for you username to become relevant?
“We promise we won’t rape you if you let us fuck”
It’s the implication.
Translation: get over that we’re taking away your rights. We’ll give you some privilege we can take back whenever we want to in exchange for your votes for long enough for us to take away voting rights and then we won’t have to offer you shit
But they’re not letting them keep contraception? That’s just an abject lie.
An abject lie from the GOP, how predictable.
They’re letting you keep contraceptives in the same way that Roe is settled law
Look, sure the Republicans lied about wanting to ban abortions in the case of rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Sure, they lied about not wanting a national ban. And sure they lied about not wanting to prosecute women. But you can totally trust that they aren’t lying this time! Ignore the hand behind their back. They aren’t crossing their fingers. They promise!!!
I am still "debating " with an idiot conservative, that claims that both sides are bad, but heck, I am still waiting to see the democrats removing rights from the population.
They are both bad - it’s just that there’s a massive difference in how bad they are, and you don’t get a third option.
I agree with that.
The issue I have is with the “centrists” that claim that both are bad but for some reason only complain towards democrats.
Yeah - I think that’s mostly a product of media bias, and the right having unity in their messaging while the left is infighting about purity testing nonsense while the libs quiver, too afraid to do anything remotely productive for fear of disrupting the status quo.
My brother goes there. He knows I’m gay and have been oppressed by conservatives, but his brain just can’t get past the culture/identity wars.
Four years from now:
“We took away your contraceptive rights, but we’re still letting you decide who and when to fuck”
For now.
Yes thats the implication
“it’s about the implication”
Looking at the epstein files…
“we’re letting you”
I’m sorry, isn’t kellyanne Conway the one who abused the shit out of her daughter and used her political position to brush it under the rug? I don’t think I’d like to take parenting advice from an abusive parent, but that may just be me
Sure, but only if you count stealing nudes off her underage daughter’s phone then keeping the child porn in her possession for an undetermined amount of time until she found a spiteful enough reason to tweet them out to her 3.5 million followers being abusive.
That sounds disturbing, and not legal.
Welcome to the GOP: disturbing and illegal, but that doesn’t stop shit.
What the actual fuck??? Does someone have a link so I can read more? I do not understand how someone gets away with openly posting child porn - in a legal sense, and in the sense of ‘how was her career not ruined’ - much less pictures of her own child. That’s completely disgusting.
Took me some time to find it. There are articles everywhere detailing abuse of a different nature. This article sums it all up I think:
Thank you. That was hard to read about, wow.
You’re welcome. I am honestly astonished every time I read articles about child abuse. I can’t imagine what these kids go through.
Yeah, literal gender swapped Skeletor is whitewashing what Conservative “Justice” Thomas said when they stripped abortion rights away.
Sadly this will probably work because people are stupid and forgetful.