Ah ha, Of course. Mysterious memes should be considered loss until proven otherwise.
Took the L on this one
What about the other 3?
One day someone is going to post Loss and no one will get the reference. That’s when we know web2.0 is truly extinct.
What a loss.
Oh for fucking out loud!
I’m at a loss for words
As an American, I had to work out the Roman Numerals the only way I know how: using Super Bowls. So the 1st Super Bowl is Super Bowl I (Packers over Chiefs), the 2nd Super Bowl is Super Bowl II (Packers over Raiders), and the 50th Super Bowl is Super Bowl 50 (Broncos over Panthers). Putting this together I get:
I II II 50
I’m at a loss as to what it could mean.
As a non-football fan, but Simpsons enjoyer, I use Rocky VII: Adrian’s Revenge.
As a non football fan but american who is also a videogame player I used the ranks of tanks from Wargaming’s World Of Tanks. But the tiers only go up to X. So I’m at a loss
Final Fantasy is right there
.:|;:U wot m8
Lmfao. God dammit this took me to long to figure out.
You bastard
I am both proud of and hating myself for figuring that out on my own.
Is this the loss of Rome?
I don’t get it.
pretty much if a 4 panel grid seems nonsense/incomprehensible…it’s usually loss
Is this loss?
Yeah, but I’m probably more ancient than those get whatever that means…
I am still clueless.
That might help.
You’re loss
Hoccine damnum?
Ita vērō.