Counterpoint: Before men in suits we had men in blouses which not only did all of that but their war was also legal and the public received no benefits or guaranteed rights. We created our own men in suits as representatives to redistribute wealth of other men in suits and help each other.
Hear hear
I agree with this one
Someone has to be saying it. If the bastards want to spout about getting rid of our migrant population, trans people, black people, etc then someone has to point out the real problem.
Imagine how much better the world would instantly become if some rogue AI did that.
Its good that people can see that the emperors have no clothes and are still willing to put their necks on the line. But it shouldn’t be just comedians who are supposed to be there to entertain us. It should be the citizen politicians we picked with our actual vote. Unfortunately they are all currently threading Trump’s bullshit. They are literally swimming in it and its a sandpit made of bullshit. Its a trap.
Hes wrong
Their money should be taken first
AND redistributed.
Boring! I say pick a random person from a lottery and now they become the next billionaire that needs to be sacrificed for the harvest. 😊
They get to live in luxury for the rest of their lives and we quench our blood thirst for eternity. Win win!
Pick 2 random people from a lottery everyone has to participate in and kill the richest person until everyone has the same amount of money
Just invalidate all money and start over
He’s not wrong
Well, he’s not wrong i can tell you that.
Wanna hear him actually say it? Check it out
No lie detected
No cap fr fr
He’s not wrong
I don’t really have a counter argument.
Counter argument - they belong in the ground AND all of their money dispersed to the people of the world.
More of a supplement than a counter.
Let’s keep the brainstorming going: and regulations should be put in place to prevent there from being such a thing as billionaires ever again.
Yes. No one person should hold more wealth than they and their spawns could spend in a lifetime.
That’s…not a counter argument. That’s not even disagreeing. You’re just saying it should be more.
Counter counter argument - your mom. Jk. I realized that as I clicked submit.
No, no. He’s got a point
In other news, every human should drink water and breathe air
Thank you comrade Burr
Anyone got a timestamp?
I found some videos like this one with the direct part, but I don’t feel like listening to the entire podcast.Here it is folksThanks for that! I find the phrase “rabid with greed” to be really apt. Like a rabid animal greed is the only part of them that exists anymore , it is their entire being and only drive