I have never met a person who can isolate the moment when Tucker Carlson became Alex Jones. So, where did it come from exactly? …it’s very clear to me both are demons.
Reportedly he has a very worth of $50M. If that was just in investments getting 4 percent a year, that would be $2M annually for doing nothing. Kind of gross to stoop to that level for money when you have so much.
Been a lot of “demon” talk from him lately. Tucker’s literally turning into Alex Jones before our very eyes.
I have never met a person who can isolate the moment when Tucker Carlson became Alex Jones. So, where did it come from exactly? …it’s very clear to me both are demons.
There is no known point in time where Tucker Carlson and Bill Hicks were in the same room. Do your own math.
Oh man, I’d love to hear Bill’s views on Fucker.
Courting the same demographic
I guess they kicked him off Fox. A heir has to eat, may as well grift the elderly.
Reportedly he has a very worth of $50M. If that was just in investments getting 4 percent a year, that would be $2M annually for doing nothing. Kind of gross to stoop to that level for money when you have so much.
thankfully tucker has never been kind of gross