REDDING, Calif. - A former Redding landlord is in hot water today after recent Reddit posts he made were shared across the app.
Charles Pierce is a 70-year-old former landlord of the Manzanita Manor Apartments in Redding. Pierce says he was fired from his role after his reddit posts came to light.
Pierce told Action News Now that under a now-deleted account, he posted that he received mail-in ballots of four previous tenants at the Manzanita Manor Apartments.
In a post to Reddit, Pierce claimed that he used all of the four ballots to cast votes for former President Donald Trump, and to vote “no” on all rent control and school bond measures in Shasta County.
Oh look, yet again the supporters screaming the loudest about biggest fraud are the ones committing it.
Every accusation an admission of guilt.
Part of the reason to drum it up is because it gives permission to the base to do it themselves. ‘We have to commit fraud because the democrats are committing fraud!’
the supporters screaming the loudest about biggest fraud are the ones committing it
Of course, MAGA Republicans are all about maximum projection since it works so well with the"poorly educated" morons.
A landlord. Shocker.
Property manager, maybe? You don’t get fired from being a landlord, you sell the property.
He says the situation has been “blown out of proportion” and is “so bogus.”
Is this what happened to Bill S. Preston, Esq.?
“this is non-non, non-non-non, NON-heinous!”
Property manager is doing an awful lot more than just selling/renting out property.
Yeah, but in the end you’re just an employee, you shouldn’t really give a shit how much tenants pay, you’re equally getting exploited by the actual landlord. It’s just another case of someone thinking they’re in a different class compared to the one they’re actually in, and voting accordingly.
And somehow didn’t even own the building if he could be fired? So wasn’t he really more of a building supervisor or something?
Charles Pierce is a 70-year-old former landlord of the Manzanita Manor Apartments in Redding. Pierce says he was fired from his role after his reddit posts came to light.
I’m assuming he’s the property manager (you can’t fire a landlord). Some places give the property manager an apartment to live in, so he may have also lost his place to live. And at 70 years old, he’s not going to have an easy time finding another job.
Hopefully he won’t have to worry about a place to live, as the felonies he committed will get him a cushy cell, complete with a roommate!
Either that or he had a separate job, and was just a landlord on the side.
It’s super cool how the cheating comes from “inside the house.” Fucking hypocrites.
Mail in ballots require a valid signature to be counted and it has to match the voter registration.
But I suppose, if he had access to former resident lease paperwork, he could have forged the signatures, but now on top of voter fraud you’re entering identity theft territory.
What the elections team needs to determine is a full accounting of which ballots were sent to the apartments and then cross reference that with current residents, and who returned ballots.
It’s kinda crazy to me that we still use signatures for official validation. I’m not saying I have a solution but it seems archaic
deleted by creator
I mean, that’s the way in person voting works too. You sign the voter registration check in and the signatures are compared.
And I’m always sweating bullets, because my signature is never the same…
Yeah when I registered to vote at 18 my signature is nothing like it is today. I try to replicate it. It was such a shitty signature. My votes might be getting tossed for all I know. Does anyone know how to update your signature for voting?
Well, that’s where ballot curing comes into play.
For mail in ballots, they’ll actually get returned. “Sorry, signature doesn’t match, try again!”
Just like how you sign a credit card payment and those are always verified?
Those always pass verification, but I always read that in addition to the security theater they are likely to be looked at when there is fraud to help establish the scope
Oh, no, those are never verified!
I remember, years ago now, a comedian ran a bit about just how bad it had to get before a purchase was denied.
I remembered exactly what you are talking about. This was the closest thing I could find at a glance. Zug seems to have been archived on the Internet Archive so it may have the actual post on there. I also got a good laugh out of the p-p-p-PowerBook saga from SomethingAwful around the same time.
Link for the PowerBook story. It’s hilarious.
In a post to Reddit, Pierce claimed that he used all of the four ballots to cast votes for former President Donald Trump, and to vote “no” on all rent control and school bond measures in Shasta County.
But, Pierce says he didn’t actually do what he posted.
In a statement, he said he “did not engage in any illegal activities”, adding that his posts were hyperbole, and that he was “too good” at inflaming and angering his audience.
He says the situation has been “blown out of proportion” and is “so bogus.”
So bogus. Wait, is that the word of the…
Trolling as a defense for admitting a major crime. So bogus.
So bogus.
But… I was only pretending!
And he just willingly told all of this to a news station?
“Mail in ballots are a huge source of voter fraud. I’d know, I just filled out and sent in four of them!”
He missed the part where you need a lot more money to be able to broadcast your crimes and get away with it.
He assumed the rules don’t apply to him. Rules are for the people you don’t like.
Nah, he’s telling the news that he didn’t actually do any of this, he was just trolling or whatever. And fair, nothing on the internet should be taken at face value, for exactly this kinda reason. They’re gonna investigate and see if he actually did this or not.
Landlords can’t be fired, they own the property. He worked for a landlord.
Yeah more like a property manager.
Landlords and being evil are an undefeated combo.
I didn’t know you could fire your landlord.
He’s not a landlord if he doesn’t own the place, not in my book anyway.
I would call him an ex-manager.
Wait, how do you fire a landlord? Did someone else have some kind of contract with them that allows them to take ownership of the property? Or is this guy more something like a property manager and not the actual landlord owning the place?
I lost faith in whatever generated that article when it said the post was shared across the app, and not the site…
Vast majority of its users are using an app and not the desktop site, probably
Reddit is a website, not a program. That’s my issue. This is the same thinking that wifi=internet and it drives me insane.
I understand your frustration completely - I’m just saying there’s nothing to be done about it. I’ve seen this happen when describing Lemmy too.
Are you doing it right now?
No, I haven’t used a mobile client to engage with Fediverse instances. I participate using the website, whether that’s on desktop or on mobile.
Lemmy isn’t fediverse, and Lemmy isn’t “the website.” Lemmy is a “reddit-like” server application that a lot of fediverse instances run on, but there are others. Same way that Mastodon is a “twitter-like” server application. All of these instances interact using the ActivityPub protocol.
What happens if this didn’t come out, and those 4 people also voted in person.
Then when votes are counted, it maybe comes out that they voted twice.
Now 4 different people get accused of fraud and they have to defend that they didn’t do it, but they don’t know who/how it happened?
The signatures on the mail-in votes wouldn’t match what the state has on record (I doubt this 60 year old MAGAt is a master forger) and wouldn’t be verified or recorded. Then elections officials might look at where these mail-in ballots were sent and MAGAt gets a visit from police for voter fraud anyway.
They have to know who they sent mail-in ballots to. Would be pretty simply to figure out that their mail-in ballots were used. Then when asked they’d just say “wtf you talking about? I didn’t get a ballot in the mail.” Then they’d track down where the ballot got sent. To the landlord at their previous address.
So just ask for a mail in ballot, vote twice and deny it.
Even if the ballot went to a different address I’m not sure that gets you off the hook that easily?
They have ways to verify the ballot. I’m only talking about how they’d find the person who did it if they didn’t actually double vote. If the ballot was verified then they’d have to take a closer look at the ballots, especially the signature. If they’re still verified, well, enjoy the charges.
Fucking Redding. I’m not even surprised. SoCal and NorCal are basically two different states.
Inland Empire, Bakersfield, and Orange County would like to have a word with you.
I grew up behind the Orange Curtain and now live in the Inland Empire. Mercy kill please?
Dont forget Johnson Valley, Landers, Yucca and 29!
Wow, a news article from where I live, that’s pretty amazing.
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