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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • How did so many people become this brain broken? Is this just narcissism? Just complete inability to understand a situation that doesn’t affect you directly?

    As a (not large or imposing) man who has spent years of his life in various major US cities, I have never once feared for my safety while in public. Unless there are specific, disconcerting, circumstances that warrant it. Never just a general unease or worry about mugging or physical, let alone sexual, assault. I have literally witnessed women get harassed and groped by men in public. The same men that I had just walked by without even a second glance.

    Women fear for their safety around men in public, and rightfully so. Period. It’s so fucking bizarre that anyone would ever try to argue against this. The statistics you’re quoting (and likely making up, but I don’t care enough about this to look) aren’t really relevant, I’m talking about real women’s real life experience.

    Again, talk to women. Or if you can’t do that, read what actual women have to say about this subject. Do you not value the opinions of women? Do you not believe them when they speak about their personal experiences?

  • Perhaps it’s because I never raw dog the web, and using uBlock Origins on “medium mode” somehow fixes it, but I don’t think I have ever experienced that.

    I have experienced sites that block right clicking, and that has always infuriated me. But I was able to get a little FF extension that disables right click blocking on websites. Which is pretty useful for downloading videos on sites that try to stop you from downloading their videos (though some have wisened up and can completely disable the ability to save a video through that method. The “save video as” option is completely greyed out). yt-dlp usually works in those cases, or one of the countless web-based video downloaders… but still annoying.

  • I’m not a fan of Hanlon’s Razor, because I feel like people believe it to be some kind of steadfast law of the universe when in reality it’s just a “rule of thumb.” And honestly not even a great one imo.

    I feel like there are a whole lot of bad people that use the concept as cover to help them get away with the heinous shit they do. People who do not deserve the benefit of the doubt.

  • Because statistics are real, and you should learn how they affect you (or don’t) in practical ways.

    I don’t know where you live, but if you’re in the US, unless you’re walking through shitty neighborhoods in the most violent areas in your state starting shit, or asking to get jumped, then it’s extremely unlikely that you will ever be mugged. Ever.

    It is very easy to make yourself not a target while walking in urban areas. Just basic common sense shit like stop looking at your phone and stay alert. Don’t be a target, and people will leave you tf alone. It really is that simple for men.

    I am not a big man. I live and work in a pretty shitty area, and not once have I ever felt in danger.

    It must suck to be so terrified of everything all of the time.