As per title. Most computer games these days are made with such unnecessary padding that I want to murder the devs or myself by the end. See, for example, Hyrule Warriors, the 100% 1000 Hour Nightmare, the Review.
The second game I ever 100%ed was Arceus and I still can’t stand the thought of picking it up again, years later. The first game was Horizon Zero Dawn, which is still fun.
I’m the kind of person who has no issues with moving on from a game with only 20% of the achievements/trophies unlocked after beating the final boss. If it’s not fun, it’s not fun.
I think the only two games I set out to 100% were probably Super Mario World, or Donkey Kong Country 2.
I did dk1, dk2 and super Metroid from that era. Great games. Dk2 is unreal, top 20 for sure.
There were WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many secret caves in DKC1 to try to 100%. I did try to complete DKC3, but I don’t think I achieved it.
Ah dk3, the one I’ve NEVER beat. I always set out to do it and grow bored first. I think by the time I started playing that really good games existed like halo and the like.
Me too. Most things I play because i want to know what happens next. If I know everything then I am done with the game.
Sometimes I like the gameplay that much that it happens automatically. Bloodborne comes to mind.
My recommendation for this will always be Cyberpunk 2077. There are SO many secrets and sub-plots to discover in the game, and every single one of them feels like an intricate, deliberate piece to the overall puzzle that makes up Night City.
To experience everything requires multiple playthroughs, which I normally dislike in long, narrative-driven games because I lack the attention span needed when it comes to repeating things in games. But CP2077 offers so many new ways to tackle every situation, and it’s one of the few games I’ve played where it truly feels like a new experience on the second and all subsequent playthroughs. The writing and acting are spectacular, and going back and picking different options for various encounters will yield very different, yet authentic results.
I’ve 100%'d it and still went back and did at least 3 full playthroughs after. I can’t sing this game’s praises enough.
I’m currently playing through RDR2, should I get 2077 next?
A lot of people will still parrot the launch criticisms at you and refuse to acknowledge that they pretty well fixed it. The devs overpromised and underdelivered, even now its not quite what they promised. But if they had dropped what the game is now on release it would be pretty universally regarded as one of the best games of all time.
I’m glad to hear this. Bought it at launch, on PS4, which I understand had some of the worst problems. Maybe one of the most disappointing games I ever got after all the htype. Gave up after maybe two hours because of all the bugs.
I now have a PS4-Pro, and keep wondering if its finally time to give this game another go.
I played it on a fairly ninja pc so I cant comment on if it was absolutely fixed on consoles.
If the world exploration and character interactions in RDR2 are scratching your itch, then 2077 will definitely have you covered there; Night City is huge and has a lot of hidden spots and characters to find. I’d say that the combat is generally a bit more hectic in 2077, but not overwhelming. You can also freely adjust the difficulty whenever you want, so if you’re not interested in mastering the buildcrafting aspects (since it leans more heavily into RPG aspects than RDR2) and just wanna get the story, that’s also an option.
While it’s definitely not required to have an amazing experience, I’d strongly recommend also picking up the Phantom Liberty expansion if you decide to give 2077 a shot. It adds a lot of additional content, including some new endings. And Idris Elba is fucking fantastic in it. He brings a very similar energy to Keanu, where you can tell that he really loves his character and the story he gets to tell. It honestly sets a ridiculously high bar for video game acting in general.
Fuck. I never returned it. Might as well reinstall it and dive in soon. Gotta finish up Lies of P first.
YES. It’s brilliant.
The only game ever I played through four times.
Outer Wilds is an amazing game to 100%, all “collectibles” are pertinent to the world and story of the game.
I stopped at 90% ish. Couldn’t get the timing and got annoyed.
Watched the ending and it’s great. I’d recommend it for anyone with more skill or patience than me.
Best thing about it is that it never ends.
Nope. I’m not capable of getting the three timed achievements, and I’m not uninstalling my mods.
I 100 percented it before going into mods. There is no spoon is very achievable, I did it in half the time it takes. Best part is you can just do a multiplayer run with it, you and your mates.
I almost got one, and never tried again. Fuck that noise, I need the Squeak Through mod and refuse to live without.
Just finish the factory maaaaan
Batman Arkham Asylum and (probably) Arkham City.
do riddler trophies count towards 100?
Lots of indie games, but To the Moon is an easy one. Super sad, but it’s a short game that’s 100%’d once you finish the story
I loved To the Moon. Imposter Factory was great as well.
I hadn’t checked out their other stuff, so I didn’t know about Imposter Factory. Another game added to the wishlist, excited to check it out!
Nice! Hope you enjoy it.
You can 100% the first three Spyro games in about 9-12 hours each. The first one can be done without any backtracking, even, since you have the same move set throughout.
I believe modern games take 100% runs way too far. I enjoyed 100%-ing the 3D Mario games… and then I got to Odyssey, and it was such a ridiculous slog that I couldn’t get much further than the standard ending.
If you don’t mind using an exploit for the pantheons, Hollow Knight is a very fun game to 100%.
If you don’t use the exploit, you will become a shell of your former self.
The pantheons was the only thing I never beat. Shit’s crazy.
I thought I would never beat the pantheons… Until I did. On both PC and PlayStation. As long as you enjoy it, I guess it’s just practice.
I really enjoyed Hades
I didn’t hate Hades, I liked it a lot, but I absolutely would have hated 100%ing that game.
This is why FSM made YouTube clips of secret endings.
For me it came naturally… I tried improving my times and using more pacts… the game is so fun I just kept playing it and competing with my previous times
Yeah, one of the only games I’ve 100%ed, the achievements are deliberately set up so that you can get most of them organically by the time you get to the true ending. The rarest achievement on Steam has like a 6% obtainment rate, which is a lot.
Based on games that I’ve 100% myself.
- The Stanley Parable
- Graveyard keeper
- Out of space (This is a couch co-op, me and my SO 100% this game and still play it regularly with one mod installed to enable huge ship sizes)
Oh shit I played graveyard keeper until the beginning of the communist DLC and then forgot about it. Thx for the reminder, I need to finish it some time.
FTL. Unlocked every ship and got every achievement, and I still play it from time to time
This is a fun game I recommend to anyone. I eventually got a bit bored but installed the multiverse mod and now have 50x more content to play with
Spider-Man 1 and 2. It’s just more excuse to swing around.
SOMA. I unlocked all achievements just by beating it lol. I’ve 100%'d Kirby & the Amazing Mirror a few times.
The Walking Dead Tell Tale game also gave you 100% by beating it.
Chrono Trigger
People really love this game huh
Because it’s just good. It’s like a modern indie game with big bucks software company money. They got top notch crew for everything and managed to make combat not feel like a chore in a JRPG with great music and story.
I mean, it’s hard not to like it. Recommend SNES version btw, modern versions are not as nice.
… Yes. If you haven’t played it, I highly recommend it. It’s a fantastic classic RPG.
It’s one of those games where the sooner you play it in life the better. Because the sheer amount of references and homage to this game is insane.
Oh, I’m actually playing it. Just about to fight lavos. I just didn’t know it was this revered in the gaming community
Which Lavos fight? There are several.
Huh? I don’t know man, i just got done with all of the side missions before it, and was about to use the epoch to go to 1999
Gotcha. I know where/when you are. Have fun, and party like it’s 1999 :)
My kingdom for the ability to play this on the Switch or PS5…
Retropie. You may already know what it is, but it’s well worth it and works rather beautifully.
Return to the Obra Dinn
By the time I got to the end and didn’t have a few secret achievements I was angry because I solved the puzzle entirely. Great game, probably my most common recommendation, but it doesn’t fit this category exactly.
That said, I was much less frustrated than I woukd be for other games.
My first thought as well.