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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Spoilers lol but clearing it up.

    Gatsby was in the car but his girlfriend was driving while emotionally distraught. It was actually Gatsbys car but Gatsbys girlfriend’s husband Tom had made his mistress think it was his car to impress her and make her husband feel bad. The mistress thought the car coming was Tom coming to pick her up to run away together so she ran out in the road and was hit. The husband of the mistress went crazy and was made to think by Tom that it was Gatsby driving and having an affair with his wife and not him. So the husband walked over and shot Gatsby as he was finally using his swimming pool. Bit confusing haha

  • I’ve tried listening to the audiobook because I typically enjoy classical literature but I feel like I need to be a literature major in university to understand sometimes. There’s just non-stop references to other literature works within it that I’m not familiar with so I think a lot of what makes it so good is lost on me

  • Yeah at my job at the end of each week my boss will assign priorities to tasks as not priority to high priority. She’ll change them around and discuss why for about 45 minutes and by the end of the meeting every single task is listed as highest priority every week. If everything is always equally the highest priority is anything a priority anymore? Lol

  • This is exactly it. I’m not making excuses for these companies messing up and being negligent I think it’s fine they get a spotlight on these things. However it’s just like the railroad derailings that were hot recently. After it was news we were seeing huge headlines of derailings like every single day and not anymore. I have family members as engineers in the railroad and I know that there’s derailings literally all the time but it was only reported so much because it was the new hot topic for a while. Again not defending the railroads in the cases where huge disasters were also caused due to negligence fuck them for that too

  • My mother bought them and gifted them to me, they came from a skunk breeder. She can’t understand that gifting someone an animal is not something anyone should ever do as it’s such a big commitment. Of course I love the skunk and she’s super sweet but still haha.

    In my experience they’ve been pretty easy pets though. One wouldn’t think of them being better than a cat but my cats cause me much more stress than she does.