• ynthrepic@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I do. He needs to go to jail eventually, or at least be made ineligible to run for office, or both. But if law enforcement locked him up tomorrow I think that could be immediately destabilizing of American society and the ensuing riots could cause massive loss of life and destruction, if not all out civil war, frankly. The cult of Trump is not insignificant. I live in New Zealand, and even here I encounter Trump pariahs all the time. We are living in very interesting times.

    The asymmetry here is the most frustrating thing, but building things has always been harder than tearing them down. Dealing with Trump and the cult surrounding him, and the phenomena that actually made him possible in the first place (social media and the outrage and misinformation economy that has infected news media and the entire information space), is probably going to be the project that defines this decade, and that all other projects depend on for their success (like dealing with climate change). So it’s one that if we fail, could set us back to the early 1900s or worse in terms of global societal cohesion. I don’t think I’m being hyperbolic when I say this.