Just two years ago my car’s 50 kWh battery weighed around 350 kg, now you can get a 45 kWh battery that fits in the palm of your hand!
Just two years ago my car’s 50 kWh battery weighed around 350 kg, now you can get a 45 kWh battery that fits in the palm of your hand!
I’ve wondered in the past why, for example, 1000 kilometers are still referred to as kilometers.
The moon is roughly 385 megameters away, or 0.4 gigameters!
Do we use MM for megameters and mm for millimeters? i think this might start to get confusing. We should probably clarify a few things before some tradie apprentice builds the galaxy’s largest bookshelf.
To avoid confusion, just use mebimeters (1 Mim = 2^20 m)
I only use parsecs to measure distance
Pretty sure parsecs measure time.
That is what star wars taught incorrectly, unfortunately
That was the joke :(
Ah sorry bud, that wooshed over me since I am falling asleep ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I am in fact, dumber than a sentient piece of cheese
I’ve never met a sentient piece of cheese, how smart are they?
Maybe it’s colloquially short for light-parsecs 😅 Like how people say “gigs” but might be meaning either gigabytes or gigabytes/second or a concert and you work out which from the context.
Yes, millimeters, or any other milli measurement (EG milliamps) starts with a lower case.
Kilo and up is capitalised.
Hehe, nice catch. Technically, under SI standard we could call that 1 megameters… It’s mostly we rarely address distances beyond 1000 kilometers in day to day life so kilometers still make some sense. Where under Imperial units, there isn’t any unit above mile. For batteries, we don’t really use anything less in phones anymore, only smartwatches and earbuds use capacities under 1000.
People don’t use megameters enough that you can rely on them knowing what it is nor have an intuition for it even if they technically know.
They should.