We would have stopped them but the planning meeting was at 9am.
I’m pretty sure that the morning people Venn circle has a shitload of overlap with the kind of people who are both neurotic control freaks and lacking in empathy and are thus vastly overrepresented in positions of authority to begin with.
Then once they got into power, they enforced their preferences to the point that it’s now a prerequisite for power, which makes it even more likely to be perpetuated and so on and so forth until everyone whose sleep patterns don’t naturally conform simply die several years earlier due to all the added stress and poor health decisions required to adapt.
I think they’re just a vocal minority in that group. I know plenty of chill daywalkers
Seems like you misunderstood what I meant: I’m not saying that most morning people are neurotic control freaks who lack empathy.
I’m saying that most neurotic control freaks who lack empathy, a small proportion of the population which is EXTREMELY overrepresented in positions of authority, are also morning people
So yeah, seems we’re in agreement about daywalkers in general 😁
Oh I see. I still think the opposite is contestable from my personal experience. I can name a few people in my immediate circle who are definitely night owls and match that apathetic personality profile. All anecdotal of course
Eh, like almost everything else in human experience it initially started because of daylight and agriculture. Hunters and gatherers had fluid schedules, but farms had strict requirements. Without electricity and with a life built around plants and animals, everyone just has to work when the suns up. With most of the population involved in agriculture and not much else, you’re right - you either woke up or you died.
Then candles, gas lamps, and eventually electric lights opened up the darkness for meaningful work, while agricultural technology slowly pushed workers out to other fields (heh).
But out of necessity the hours for schools and markets were originally built around the hours of the fields, and it just stuck.
Now, don’t get me wrong - I think morning people are playing a hand in perpetuating this issue. They probably get to keep deciding the rules because they keep showing up before us, all energized and efficient and judging us for showing up late or tired. Or something.
But I would be curious to see if any studies have checked if there’s a correlation between sociopathy/narcissism and sleep phases, I’ll take a look. Or maybe they’re just signalling that they’re early risers as a way of feeling superior to the rest of us.
And then of course after checking the alarm you find yourself back on Lemmy…
Ah the eternal war of the dawnies and the duskies…
I think a lot of the issue is that it’s possible to shift to a 24 hour economy with morning and night shifts, but (like remote working pre-covid) we hear a lot of “it’s not possible”.
Maybe but you can read a lot of negative impact on overnight shifts. At one point I considered it / working for a startup where we were all doing insane hours - my manager actually demanded I be both first in and last out. Good riddance to that toxic place but working overnight would have been the closest to a sane choice.
This is really about habits. I used to be a night owl, but changed my habits gradually and now I’m a morning person. You might have some genetic predisposition towards staying up late, but even so this is something that you can change, I believe.
What helped me, is that I started enjoying waking up early a lot more than staying up late.
As an extreme “owl”, I’m also on that journey, although it remains a struggle. What helped me a lot is to set an alarm in the evening to trigger my evening routine without depending on my internal sense of time. My preference is still different, hence the struggle, but my body accommodated to the routine fairly quickly.
Way to enforce the tyranny of the morning people on yourself. Fuck getting up early. Night owl till I die. The thing people who push getting up early fail to realize is that if everyone was the same as them and got up at the ass crack of dawn, modern society as we know it would not function. There will always be shit that needs to get done at night, or even just the afternoon, and if everyone got up in the morning those things simply wouldn’t get done. Who maintains the power grid at night if everyone falls asleep at 8 pm, for example? Reclaim your natural circadian rhythm for yourself and for society. Ask those self-righteous cunts what they were doing at 10 pm if they have such superior work ethic.
I admire your passion. None of the things you mention are mutually exclusive with generally preferring to rise early, however. Preferring to rise early is not a statement against people working night shifts.
the 12-hour clock used in the u.s. has fucked me and my head many times. i set my alarm to 8’o’clock, woke at 8 p.m., saw the sun in the horizon, and set off for class. by the time i got to class it was almost dark and i thought maybe the real shit had dialed in and the sun wasn’t ever coming back.
Humans evolved and adapted to wake up when the sun rise
Some humans evolved to wake up when the sun rises. Others evolved to hit peak wakefulness in the middle of the night. Humans evolved with shift sleeping and night watchers, and are most likely naturally biphasic sleepers as well.
Others evolved to hit peak wakefulness in the middle of the night.
Bats evolved to do that
I never used to be a morning person, but honestly I prefer it this way now. I want to have the work done before my free time, and I want my free time to have as much daytime as possible. Following my current working hours has me awake when the sun is up, which personally gives me way more energy than doing stuff in the dark. I’d love to wake up later, but honestly that just wastes a nice part of daytime. You can train your body to maintain a schedule like this and then any other one will feel weird.
Thought I was on an ADHD sub for a minute.
I got myself an alarm clock last August and I can really recommend it. No more phone in the bedroom
OCD is a bitch
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Common sense. You don’t want the bank to start working at 14:00
Yea I do, it’s time us night owls rose up!
Rise! We protected the group from wild animals for centuries as they slept! We allowed them to sleep peacefully, without fear.
Why not?
Because they surely won’t work until midnight and 4-6 hours of active work time isn’t enough.
But that’s based on the existing thought that we should be functioning from 8am to 5pm for work. If it started later we could easily end later.
No. Ever heard about the Sun? That fucking lantern in the sky? Pay attention to it. It is important.
The Sun? You should be sleeping when that asshole is out lmao
I would, but some idiot decided that we need time zones instead of actual sun time. Then another idiot thought it was a good idea to take on the time from another time zone for cooperation and business. Then the biggest idiot of all figured daylight saving time was the best thing ever. So now we’re two hours or of sync with the sun and now everyone is constantly jet lagged except for some early risers.
4-6 hours of active work time isn’t enough.
Says who!??
Says the guy who knows what the line to some bureaucrat is.
8-hour work days are a made-up concept. They’re not set into stone.
Also, use your work time wisely. Like… on the toilet, for example.
Line. Do you know the concept of line?