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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • My current total comp puts me in the top 1–2% for my country (based on reported incomes). The difference between the billionaire class and me is massive; I still have to budget for my bills, expenses etc.

    That said, I am fully aware that I’m in a privileged position.

    I grew up in government housing and suffered malnutrition as a child because my single working mother couldn’t afford enough food. I worked my arse off in school and was lucky enough to be eligible and accepted into a scholarship programme for University; I would not have been able to attend otherwise.

    Since then I’ve had relatively good career opportunities and have taken advantage of them. I tried hard and continue to do so because I know what it’s like to not have enough.

    I think that I worked hard to get where I am. I do not consider myself rich (where some people might understandably do so), but I know what it is like to be wanting.

    Despite my hard work, I do not in the slightest think that I got to where I am based purely on bullshit like grit and determination. I have absolutely taken advantage of opportunities in front of me, but I was lucky to have those in the first place. I think I deserve to be where I am, but I also think plenty of others also deserve it and are deprived of the chances that I got by pure happenstance.

    Yes, you have to work hard to change your lot in life, but to say that hard work will solve everything is ludicrous.

    I’m entirely on board with a living wage, UBI, and anything else to make things more equitable. No one should have to worry about feeding their family. And I’m happy to pay more tax to make that a reality.

  • I used to deliver a keynote to 3-400 people, twice a month as part of corporate onboarding.

    Absolutely this.

    Obviously my experience was not as high stakes as a SOTU, but it was fucking exhausting. I knew the content well enough that I could deliver it in my sleep and actively did so when I was sick, hungover, generally tired and (usually) just okay.

    Regardless of my initial state, I was at my tether after 90 minutes of being “switched on” and engaged. I am not an octogenarian.

    That was with the benefit of delivering repeated content. Biden doesn’t deliver this same speech twice a month. I’m sure he practiced but it’s still a big ask regardless of age.