Tonight, Thursday, March 7th, is the State of the Union Address so lets keep everything related to it (including the Republican response) confined to this thread.
This is probably one of the most important speeches Biden can give this year. He has to come across as “Present”, not just “President”.
This will set the tone for the campaign the rest of the year and will be second only to the Democratic Convention speech in August for visibility.
Watch it live here:
Or through your favorite news source.
The Republican response will be delivered by Senator Katie Britt of Alabama:
Very good speech!
Full transcript is here:
Republican response from Katie Britt here:
I encourage you to watch the video and not just read the transcript. Reading it doesn’t carry just how breathless and borderline weepy her delivery is.
In my mind, the best bit was at the very end… it’s not about the age of the candidate, it’s about the age of the ideas, and fear and hate are some of the oldest ideas of mankind.
"My fellow Americans, the issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are, it’s how old our ideas are.
Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are among the oldest of ideas.
But you can’t lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back.
To lead America, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future of what America can and should be. "
Listening to him work the floor now, he knows everyone and has something to tell them about the thing they care about. Its impressive.
It’s almost like he’s been doing this for a while and has experience. Such a breath of fresh air after four years of that other guy.
Biden’s ideas are pretty ancient themselves. But he’s not wrong. Fuck anyone who vilifies the poor and minorities. Biden likely won’t accomplish much to reduce poverty or help the average person. But he likely won’t make any of that demonstrably worse ether. And honestly he’s been way better than many imagined he would. Shitty Israel policy not withstanding. Thank goodness he’s finally taking small steps to balance out his fuck ups.
I have some big hopes for 2028 if we’re still holding elections. Hopefully some fresh young blood will be ready to run. Like Ocasio-Cortez after almost a decade in the house. But to get there I can’t deny Biden is the path forward for now.
God damn. What an ending. Thats some legacy shit right there.
Biden had been saying awesome stuff since the 80s. Look up his 80s stuff. Inspiring.
I still prefer Sanders, though.
Dude is sharp, it’s no comparison really between Biden and the “look having nuclear guy”. Im done giving the people “worried” about Bidens mind the time of day.
He’s had a couple of mis-speaks but that’s because he’s going too fast (!)
His stutter and mispeaks are not off-putting to me at all. He is obviously mentally fit, this isn’t how someone with mental deficiencies sounds.
Yep. Watching this, anyone who claims he’s mentally unfit is a fucking liar, and you can immediately dismiss anything else they have to say.
Look he’s old. I completely agree it’s a concern for >70% of Americans. Both are geriatrics with clear issues.
But one is morally sound. The other is not. One has smart cabinet members and advisors. The other has his fucking kids in a blatant act of nepotism and crooks.
Biden has also had a stutter his whole life. It’s not new.
His pacing is way off and he’s rushing. Not waiting for the applause to finish.
He’s absolutely killing it, and you know it.
Congratulations, he can read empty promises that multiple speech writers wrote for him on a teleprompter.
Better than just stealing the speech from the previous guys wife.
Yup, because he knows slow or paced = “old”.
This is why I hope he’ll commit to a lot more engagements like late shows and whistle stop tours. When he’s out talking he reinforces that he’s still got it together… while Trump… well he’s clearly losing it.
He is absolutely going to destroy Trump in the debates. It’s gonna be like Prime Tyson vs Marvis Frazier. 30 seconds and it’s over.
How long until Donnie boy starts trying to dodge the debates because of “these corrupt political sham trials” and his fanatical followers lap it up?
“will you shut up man?” from the last debates is still one of my favorite TV moments
Before this speech, I wondered how he’d deal with the predictable topics he’d be attacked on. I didn’t expect him to be the one to bring them all up himself. Baller move.
He’s baiting them to shout out so he can smack them back down, and they’re dumb enough to keep falling for it.
Pretty good way to show that he’s mentally sharp and on top of it. Republicans just destroyed their own talking point.
Over and over and over again! Those clips are going to get played on repeat.
It’s not just a good speech for Biden, this is the best SOTU I’ve ever heard.
Honestly, yeah. This is better than any of Obama’s, and Obama’s were all great.
I really wish Biden would’ve turned around to Mike Johnson when he was talking about January 6th and ask, “what’s the matter with you, man? Why aren’t you clapping? So you support a fascist takeover? Of course you do…”
Also turn around and say, 'it’s this man here who is blocking aid to Ukraine while women and children die in Ukraine"
Dude, he was squirming hard in that chair lmao.
Love it, but I say twist the blade lol.
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Biden knocked this fucker out of the park.
Bona-fide 500 foot grand slam blast over the center field wall.
Lmao. Led them into the Social Security trap again
EVERY trap! And they’re acting as if they haven’t learned their lesson a year or even a few minutes earlier
And they fell right into it again.
So I get in my car, and i’m listening to the beat on MSNBC, and a reporter is saying that she was talking with a bunch of young voters, especially young black voters.
Basically, they think that they’ve already been through a Trump presidency, and it’s not gonna be any different from the first time. Oh boy, could they not be more wrong. Apparently, they haven’t heard about project 2025, or they think it’s nothing big that 20,000 fascists are itching to take over government roles in the next Trump White House.
Maybe I am dumb but… I am genuinely starting to think many people are fundamentally incapable of imagining complex, abstract potential outcomes (like allowing Trump back in office).
I always assumed envisioning such things was easy, instant, and obvious for nearly everyone.
Several years ago I started noticing a couple of people make decisions that to me seemed insane and later they were surprised by the outcome that I saw coming a mile away.
And I started wondering, could this ability to imagine how things will turn out be much rarer than I ever imagined?
I genuinely don’t know for sure. Not like I have a ton of conversations with different people let alone ones about cognitive abilities lol.
Like, I didn’t even realize some people can’t see images in their heads or don’t have an inner monologue (think by “talking to themselves” using language) until fairly recently and I’m in my 50s.
Surely anyone can imagine some vague idea of what happens if they jump in front of a speeding bus. That’s simple. Surely you can at least conceptualize that you’ll be run into and injured or killed. Maybe even imagine it with some internal video of your body being run over by giant bus tires or being flung from the impact and landing in a crumbled bleeding mess. Nothing complicated there.
But is it actually impossible for some to imagine the many ways Trump and the Project 2025 people are going to fuck up everything?
That would certainly explain the bafflingly cavalier reactions to cybersecurity vulnerabilities I’ve seen over the years. Or the shrugging off of egregious privacy issues.
You bring up an interesting question, and it’s something I noticed in my own life, but for me I always related it to confidence/optimism.
I’m naturally very anxious, and I think ahead because I worry a lot and I need to have some control of my future or to at least feel like I do by having as much information as I can. Stability has always lacked in my life, and still does, so I know confidence and optimism are in very short supply for me.
I think more confident/optimistic people tend to be more relaxed about the future because of their natural tendency to believe they’ll be ok and therefore the things around them should be fine.
That’s an interesting insight. I, too, tend to be anxious about negative outcomes and I think that comes from bad experiences due to ADHD and maybe childhood stuff. Idk.
Normalcy bias certainly is a thing. So is paranoia. I tend toward the latter lol. But have come to see that outcomes almost always land somewhere between, “eh, it will be fine,” and, “omg we’re doomed.” And usually they wind up slightly more toward the “fine” side of things.
And I started wondering, could this ability to imagine how things will turn out be much rarer than I ever imagined?
Yes - it is. As someone with ADHD and in my mid 30’s now, i have wondered the same thing quite often, because a lot of times solutions to complex problems seem extremely easy to me, where people around me are absolutely baffled by me calling a solution very simple and easy.
I started wondering the same thing a few years back and came to the conclusion: Most people don’t care. I’ve had quite a few very recent discussions about various issues about consumers needing to be more educated and able to make decisions on what they buy. Every time i bring this up, i realize that even these simple things are too much for most people.
As someone with ADHD and in my mid 30’s now, i have wondered the same thing quite often, because a lot of times solutions to complex problems seem extremely easy to me, where people around me are absolutely baffled by me calling a solution very simple and easy.
Coincidentally, I too, have ADHD. Oftentimes, I can envision the general shape of somewhat complex solutions. And either they don’t see it as simple, don’t understand it, don’t understand the point, or can’t see it at all. Now sure, sometimes I come up with idiotic ideas that make no sense once I know more. But not always.
I have found it is easy for some of us to get spun up about the sorts of things you mention. Like “omg how can you use Windows 11 with all the ads and whatever”. The kind of stuff we rant about on Lemmy. And yeah I think people don’t care a lot.
Sometimes it is because they have other more pressing priorities. I’ve had to learn that well in my infosec career. It is easy for me to fixate on something important to me. But if a person is just trying to get through the day (I mean, let’s be honest, I am struggling to do that), raising a kid, paying the bills, and so forth, then they have better things to do than fret about an OS and try to find time to learn Linux or cough up the fortune required to buy a Mac or whatever.
Sometimes they can’t seem to forsee the potential consequences. Either they just are incapable–my original point above–or, in some cases, they don’t have any practice imagining what bad people could try if they wanted to. Maybe due to ADHD and anxiety I had a lot of practice imagining bad outcomes. (Maybe that’s an evolutionary advantage of ADHD lol). I suspect about half my team has ADHD and I think that’s common in the industry lol.
Nice to find someone with similar experiences! Helps to know I’m not crazy or at least not crazy alone 🤪
Coincidentally, I too, have ADHD. Oftentimes, I can envision the general shape of somewhat complex solutions. And either they don’t see it as simple, don’t understand it, don’t understand the point, or can’t see it at all. Now sure, sometimes I come up with idiotic ideas that make no sense once I know more. But not always.
Ha! I know what you mean :D I do too^^
I have found it is easy for some of us to get spun up about the sorts of things you mention. Like “omg how can you use Windows 11 with all the ads and whatever”. The kind of stuff we rant about on Lemmy. And yeah I think people don’t care a lot.
Yeah…there are lot’s of things i get spun up :D
Sometimes it is because they have other more pressing priorities. I’ve had to learn that well in my infosec career. It is easy for me to fixate on something important to me. But if a person is just trying to get through the day (I mean, let’s be honest, I am struggling to do that), raising a kid, paying the bills, and so forth, then they have better things to do than fret about an OS and try to find time to learn Linux or cough up the fortune required to buy a Mac or whatever.
Same lessons in Infrastructure (although, i have to admit i’m not trying to get through the day, i’ve had a lot of help throughout the years to get a grip on my ADHD except some occasional very heavy distractibility and chaotic thoughts)…but i still except some very basic 1+1…sometimes even that is too much asked. I mean, if you can click a damn start menu on Windows, i can expect you to click it on Linux as well, even if the Icon is a little different, it’s still only a damn menu! ;)
Sometimes they can’t seem to forsee the potential consequences. Either they just are incapable–my original point above–or, in some cases, they don’t have any practice imagining what bad people could try if they wanted to. Maybe due to ADHD and anxiety I had a lot of practice imagining bad outcomes. (Maybe that’s an evolutionary advantage of ADHD lol). I suspect about half my team has ADHD and I think that’s common in the industry lol.
Personally, i think my Star Trek addiction helped me a lot in those terms, because i always try to imagine the best possible outcome first and then go down the rabbit hole and tell myself “Well, there’s still a chance!”. Which is also why i try to imagine that in most people, there’s still some good left (there are exceptions…Trump and his cronies being some) - but i agree with you, that most people have lost the ability to just “imagine”. Personally, i also think that’s why the overall state is not that great, because with loosing the ability to imagine things, people also lost the ability to dream. Problem solving, imagining and dreaming are all things that are heavily interconnected and interwoven. I also am of the firm believe, that one advantage of ADHD is that the ability to shape our imagining “as we go”, because “we” can flip between numerous possible outcomes pretty damn fast. And so on. Just a little tip: Try to imagine more “good” outcomes as well - just in case ;)
Nice to find someone with similar experiences! Helps to know I’m not crazy or at least not crazy alone 🤪
Same :) And no - you are not crazy and you are not crazy alone :D
Interesting about Star Trek as a way to deal with anxiety about bad outcomes :). My Trek love helps me too but more with giving me a nearly imperceptible glimmer of hope for humanity.
(I wasn’t sure if I was a true Trekkie but now that I’ve been catching up on all the post-Voyager shows I guess I must be because I love all of it… I mean I even found things to like about ST V, so… Lol). Anyway …
But yeah you may be onto something about people either losing the ability—or maybe the will—to dream of something better. Once you get discouraged enough, it is hard to bother dreaming.
If you spend enough time online steeped in endless doomerism, with no talk of action or organization or anything, learned helplessness inevitably sets in. Sort of by definition, you stop dreaming. Which is why my recent Trek binges have been so helpful.
I should add that meds and introspection have helped a lot with the anxiety and imagining the worst outcomes. Now I do it without getting twisted up in knots and it serves me vs the other way around. But I could still stand to imagine good outcomes more often.
Anyway I appreciate the dialog! You’re a good egg. :) Hope to run into you again in the Lemmyverse before long.
Ah yes, I believe you’ve encountered people in the wild who support leopards eating their face. This is a documented phenomenon and I, for one, don’t have a clue what can be done about it.
Maybe Biden should have done some shit the first two years instead of “looking into things” until right before midterms.
Then after losing the House, saying it was too late to do anything.
People didn’t elect Joe Biden so he could spend 2 years looking into how to undo the damage of trump.
And Biden failed at that.
Now he’s telling us that this time will be different. Historically, this is what makes 1 term presidents.
So how should he have “done some shit the first two years”?
You mean like:
The American Rescue Plan
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
The largest gun safety bill in 30 years
The CHIPS and Science Act
The Inflation Reduction Act
and support for Ukraine so they can fight off the orks that directly impacts our economy by giving Ukraine old weapons that would have rotted in wearhouses and resupply with new ones providing high paying jobs to American workers.
Stuff like that?
I ain’t writing an essay to talk about the whole list at once.
The American Rescue Plan
Oh yeah, that thing that’s the reason American inflation is higher than comparable countries?
The authors don’t mince words about why they think that is, writing: “Estimates suggest that fiscal support measures designed to counteract the severity of the pandemic’s economic effect may have contributed to this divergence by raising inflation about 3 percentage points by the end of 2021.”
That is: The US did a lot more stimulus than these other countries, and now it’s seeing a lot more core inflation. And the stimulus that most stands out is Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan — because it was enacted after more than $3 trillion had already been spent to stimulate the economy under Trump, with one big chunk of that being approved just three months prior.
“We put gasoline on the fire. That’s basically what the ARP did. It was almost written as if we didn’t just pass a trillion-dollar stimulus in December,” said Goldwein.
You know only a tiny little slice went to working class Americans right?
Like, everyone got the $1400, even Bill Gates. But a lot went to people, companies, and states that just didn’t need it.
That article is really good, and somebody got paid to write it.
So go read that, soak it up.
And then, if it’s not too late, I honestly wouldn’t mind getting into that infrastructure bill. That’s a doozy, and if you’re bragging about, there’s a lot you don’t know.
But let’s be honest, this comment and that article are more than most would read.
I ain’t writing an essay to talk about the whole list at once.
If you’re going to claim nothing happened in the past two years and someone gives you a laundry list of milestones and events, you can’t just say “eh I don’t feel like writing an essay on it”. Either explain why none of them count, or concede the argument. As it is, your argument is incredibly weak since you’re barely addressing their point.
That article is really good, and somebody got paid to write it… So go read that, soak it up.
But let’s be honest, this comment and that article are more than most would read.
Bruh. What.
If you aren’t going to write a proper response, don’t bemoan that people aren’t reading shit.
Don’t feed the troll.
I mean, I said that…
Went over the first on the list…
Then said:
And then, if it’s not too late, I honestly wouldn’t mind getting into that infrastructure bill.
Because that was the next thing on the list…
Did you notice how that person never replied?
someone gives you a laundry list
It’s known as a gish gallop.
None of them pass scrutiny alone, but it would take a lot of effort to disprove all of them at once. Especially when the likely result is the person latches on to a small part of a source you quoted and refuses to read the actual source that goes in depth and was written by a professional
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Did you try reading the whole article for more info?
Or did you really think those three paragraphs was the whole thing without clicking the link?
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Well, you could have read the article and gotten a great explanation…
Instead you choose to hurl insults, weird how often the people blindly supporting Biden do that.
Have a nice life bud, life’s to short for that type of discourse about something so serious.
You sound like a real treasure. Glad I don’t know you.
Your article is two years old and provides a mountain of speculation about economics that didn’t pan out in reality. Seriously, check it out, inflation in the US peaked lower than the UK or EU, and has trended below them consistently through today.
Go ahead and argue about the relative stability of more insular economies like Japan and China, but the Fed did exactly what they set out to do, and they did it more effectively than other comparable central banks.
You know only a tiny little slice went to working class Americans right?
Like, everyone got the $1400, even Bill Gates. But a lot went to people, companies, and states that just didn’t need it.
Objectively, verifiably false. Single taxpayers under $75k, couples under $150k. Bill Gates didn’t benefit. Maybe you’re thinking of the stimulus that Trump signed that blindly handed out thousands of dollars to businesses with little to no accountability?
So what do you want, Trump?
I want Biden to smarten the fuck up while there’s still time to beat trump, and the DNC to learn their lesson about shoving unpopular conservative candidates down our throats.
But I don’t think it will happen.
I always wanted every state to have delegates for the primary, I thought that was a low bar too.
So excuse me if, like most Dem voters, I’m kind of pissed about it.
Wow! He is not pulling any punches lmao. Mike is squirming in his chair behind him.
He looks like the Keebler elf
Every time I see a headshot of Johnson, he reminds me of a Lego minifig.
Wish version Keebler elf
Haha squirm away you little shit.
Nice to see him call this bullshit out.
God damn right.
If y’all didn’t see Biden’s reaction to Marjorie when he walked in, you NEED to see it! I laughed so hard! Even she tried not to laugh.
The look that says “Wow! Y’all come in the SAME clown car or just you?” 🤡
Any chance of a non-x link?
Here you go
He should come out to Sabotage by the Beasties Boys. Liven shit up a bit.
Can’t wait till the first Zoomer president.
Bruh. We may not have presidents any more.
Thanks for crashing the tone of my comment with your doomer shit. Real cool of you 👍
Stupid take.
Have you been living under a rock for 8 years?
I kind of wanted the Wonka introduction:
Found the Friend of the Pod.
There’s dozens of us, dozens I tell you…
I read that in Lovett’s voice in my head.
Aaaaand here’s the Republican response…
2 sentences in and she sounds like she’s going to cry.
Her: “I’m a mom”
Her constituents: “Rub it in, why dontcha?”
Hi Sconie! Where’d you transplant to? I went to college out there but live in Colorado now (a place where “transplant” seems to play a disproportionate part in the local lexicon)
I moved out to Mass then New Hampshire. I still visit back there from time to time.
Her backdrop set is literally a kitchen…
Well, she claims it’s her kitchen…
Holy crap this rebuttal is just… Bad. Especially given what it’s following.
And fundamentally false… She’s attacking Biden on the border, when she herself helped write the border bill and VOTED IT DOWN because Trump told her to.
Also the optics are especially bad after he literally just called them out on that. “Pretty sure you guys can read right?” Or whatever he said was classic.
Classic and brutal:
"I’m told my predecessor called Republicans in Congress and demanded they block the bill. He feels it would be a political win for me and a political loser for him.
It’s not about him or me.
It’d be a winner for America!
My Republican friends you owe it to the American people to get this bill done.
We need to act.
And if my predecessor is watching instead of playing politics and pressuring members of Congress to block this bill, join me in telling Congress to pass it!
We can do it together. But here’s what I will not do.
I will not demonize immigrants saying they “poison the blood of our country” as he said in his own words.
I will not separate families.
I will not ban people from America because of their faith.
Unlike my predecessor, on my first day in office I introduced a comprehensive plan to fix our immigration system, secure the border, and provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and so much more.
Because unlike my predecessor, I know who we are as Americans.
We are the only nation in the world with a heart and soul that draws from old and new.
Home to Native Americans whose ancestors have been here for thousands of years. Home to people from every place on Earth.
Some came freely.
Some chained by force.
Some when famine struck, like my ancestral family in Ireland.
Some to flee persecution.
Some to chase dreams that are impossible anywhere but here in America.
That’s America, where we all come from somewhere, but we are all Americans.
We can fight about the border, or we can fix it. I’m ready to fix it.
Send me the border bill now!"
He is utterly manhandling the Republicans.
What was that fool yelling lol.
Also I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone get kicked out of the State of the Union lmao
[incoherent yelling]
It sounded something similar to free marine, I am waiting for better response too
Free Palestine?
I’m seeing contradictory reporting, but the consensus is he’s a Gold Star Dad who lost his kid in the Afghani evacuation, and was arrested for the interruption.
“Remember Abbey Gate! US Marines!”
Abbey Gate is a reference to a 2021 suicide bombing during the evacuation of Afghanistan.
The protestor was handcuffed and arrested after being escorted out by security from the House gallery as seen in a photo shared with USA TODAY.
“Abbey Gate!” Steve Nikoui yelled down at the president. “Second Battalion, First Marines!”
Capitol Police escorted Nikoui, 51, out of the chamber around 10:15 p.m. and took him into custody.
He was charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding Congress, a misdemeanor that typically results in the offender’s release after paying a $50 fine.
Nikoui’s son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, was killed by a suicide bomber outside Kabul’s international airport while trying to process evacuees from the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021.
Nikoui’s son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, was killed by a suicide bomber outside Kabul’s international airport while trying to process evacuees from the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021.
The botched withdrawl that Trump signed us up for and forced down bidens throat, so he could be blamed for anything that happened whether he honored the agreement or renegged on it.*
same reason trump signed that bill that would cut taxes until Bidens term, where they raise.
Trump signed us up for it, and Biden was right that it needed to be done, but the execution of it was a travesty.
I know, I know, it’s not like Biden planned every last detail of it, but when you say something idiotic like:
“There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.”
Then this happens:
And this:
Followed by this:
and this:
Yeahhh… not a good look.
It was way more extensive than two words… but not intelligible.
I’m seeing contradictory reporting, but the consensus is he’s a Gold Star Dad who lost his kid in the Afghani evacuation, and was arrested for the interruption.
“Remember Abbey Gate! US Marines!”
Abbey Gate is a reference to a 2021 suicide bombing during the evacuation of Afghanistan.
The protestor was handcuffed and arrested after being escorted out by security from the House gallery as seen in a photo shared with USA TODAY.
“Abbey Gate!” Steve Nikoui yelled down at the president. “Second Battalion, First Marines!”
Capitol Police escorted Nikoui, 51, out of the chamber around 10:15 p.m. and took him into custody.
He was charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding Congress, a misdemeanor that typically results in the offender’s release after paying a $50 fine.
Nikoui’s son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, was killed by a suicide bomber outside Kabul’s international airport while trying to process evacuees from the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021.
I’m seeing contradictory reporting, but the consensus is he’s a Gold Star Dad who lost his kid in the Afghani evacuation, and was arrested for the interruption.
“Remember Abbey Gate! US Marines!”
Abbey Gate is a reference to a 2021 suicide bombing during the evacuation of Afghanistan.
The protestor was handcuffed and arrested after being escorted out by security from the House gallery as seen in a photo shared with USA TODAY.
“Abbey Gate!” Steve Nikoui yelled down at the president. “Second Battalion, First Marines!”
Capitol Police escorted Nikoui, 51, out of the chamber around 10:15 p.m. and took him into custody.
He was charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding Congress, a misdemeanor that typically results in the offender’s release after paying a $50 fine.
Nikoui’s son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, was killed by a suicide bomber outside Kabul’s international airport while trying to process evacuees from the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021.
So a grieving father being used by the republicans to Politicize his kids death…
Totally on brand.
I’m pretty sure the guy is more than happy to, even though Trump literally invited the people that blew up his son to Camp David and handed them Afghanistan.
This is just genuinely a great speech.