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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • The ability to “strive” is a learned skill that needs to be honed over years. It’s not really natural to most people — it’s easy to fall into a low-energy state and want to stay there because it’s comfortable. It takes practice and energy putting yourself out there and putting an effort into making more of your life.

    If you’re happy with who you are and what you’re doing, then I’m not going to neg on your life. But are you going to spend the next ~50 years just gliding along, and not creating or building any value for yourself in this world (and that doesn’t have to be monetary value — building a family, and building up your community through volunteer works build value as well)? When you’re in the twilight of your life, do you want to look back and find you did nothing of significance with your life?

    Maybe that doesn’t bother you. That’s fine. Just so long as 15 years from now you’re not some bitter middle-aged person complaining about people in the upper-middle class who get to do things you don’t get to do and who have more money and nice things that you do.

    But none of that would be for me. So I put in the work, learned how to strive for the life I wanted, and got a graduate degree, built a beautiful family, got that management job (and the pay that goes with it), and spend my spare time volunteering (currently) with three different organizations. It’s a busy life and take a lot of time and energy — but it allows me to have people around me who love me, with the money to do and own nice things together, and to give back to my community to make it a better place. And when my time eventually comes, I’ll have hopefully left this world a little better off for the effort.

  • Arbitrarily and suddenly destroying all apps built with a certain tech stack…

    Except they aren’t. Sure, PWAs may be slightly more disadvantaged on iOS/iPadOS than they are now, but they haven’t been “destroyed”. And they continue to work exactly as they did with the prior iOS/iPadOS release in all the rest of the world.

    Everyone seems to think Apple is playing some sort of 4D Chess to kill off PWAs — but if Apple wanted to kill off PWAs they could just disable the functionality completely globally tomorrow, and they’d likely face no repercussions for doing so. They don’t even need an excuse to do so.

    I’m not claiming that Apple is acting honourably here; merely that if they actually wanted to kill PWAs it wouldn’t require some sort of Rube Goldberg machine-style planning to do it. There is no conspiracy here.

  • I disagree — the gag order was smart. It’s vastly easier for the judge to immediately punish someone for violating a gag order with one in place than without — as we’ve seen, the judge has been able to levy penalties with only a 10 minute hearing.

    Yes, so far those penalties have been minimal — but they build and increase. It’s certainly not unusual for a judge to ramp up the penalties to give the defendant time to clean up their act — but every judges patience eventually wears thin if their orders keep getting violated. These orders are only meaningful if they’re backed up by something, and I don’t think any judge wants to be known as the one that lets defendants safely ignore their orders.

    The judge is playing it smart, and is using a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer. If Trump continues to decide to try to skirt the order I suspect the penalties will start ramping up into serious territory (including incarceration) very, very quickly.