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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • Since you guys are so brain-broken by the status quo of American politics, let me break down the goal of these people.

    1. Threaten to not vote for party because they are doing bad thing

    2. Party sees significant numbers of people threatening not to vote for them.

    3. Party changes it’s policies.

    4. People vote for party.

    It’s like you’re completely incapable not thinking in black-and-white, and don’t understand it’s actually possible to leverage politicians. No one wants Trump, and if he wins no one is to blame but the Democrats.

  • Everyone saying “this is a vote for democracy” apparently doesn’t see the irony in demanding everyone vote for a single candidate no matter what or democracy fails. Like isn’t the whole point of democracy having the ability to pressure politicians to make concessions to your cause?

    So many BlueAnon comments too. Yeah for sure this is just a massive Russian psyop, definitely not people trying to stop their ethnic group from being genocided 🙄

    Bring on the downvotes.