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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Except if you have guns then we will be pussies of highest order.

    THAT’S how the 2nd amendment and much else of the Constitution was intended to be used, I feel. Y’know, before the people lost their damn minds for various reasons, and maybe they understood the importance of backing each other to keep the power-hungry at bay.

    But now we’ve stood aside as we got things like State-defined rules for having proper unobtrusive protests, and unions that must be “authorized” and promise not to get in the way too much, binding arbitration without a right to a jury trial, and police shove and beat journalists while a loud chunk of the population says “He must’ve had a good reason! What’d you do?”

    God help us.

  • I hate when it also feels like you’re butting into a conversation with some “locals” by asking a question. Lol

    Like with a forum you could just open up with “Hey guys, so I tried to do this and… thanks for any help!”

    But in Discord you feel so awkward just hopping into “#general” because it’s the project’s only support board and going “HEY I TRIED THIS AND IT’S NOT WORKING ANY IDEAS?” as their chat about local weather scrolls your request away. Lmao

  • Don’t throw a temper tantrum and delete content, MIGRATE IT.

    That’s something I wish a lot of subs had the foresight to do before the API-block launched. I imagine it’s much more thankless and labor intensive to crawl the useful information from communities now. (But don’t worry, tons of Ais already did! /s)

    I miss forums, too.

    Most of the places that USED to turn up in search results are GONE because there was no point in paying for hosting when a seemingly superior outside solution with greater reach and greater response times existed.

    Also the story with Discord. Hey, you wanna try and shout your question like you’re in the middle of the New York Stock Exchange in the 90’s and hope you get a response? It’s instant tho! Even if the solution will be completely ephemeral and your question will be asked a million more times.


  • I’m still absolutely shocked at the complete blindness, that this dude would get away with selling the Bible for his own aggrandizement, packed with literal idolatry, and face very little resistance from it.

    This bizarre conflation of Christianity with patriotic capitalism and flag worship is one of the biggest real life conspiracies of our time, and it was absolutely a hostile takeover of the church by corporate and state interests.

    Churches were once considered “too leftist” because they served their communities and preached the Gospel of Christ, and if they were involved in politics, it was definitely not to engage in politician worship.

    It makes me weep inside, how extinguished the light has become…

    Remember, when Satan offered Jesus “power over all the nations of the world”, it wouldn’t have been a temptation if he didn’t have it to offer… If this isn’t proof of that, I dunno what is …

  • I want Lemmy to grow too but not at any cost. I’d rather have quality than quantity quite frankly.


    I used TOR to log in to my FB account after years, just to see how my normie friends and family might be doing. They barely posted anything. It was just reposted ads.

    My experience was also:

    • Numerous unblockable “suggested for you” pages were all thot-videos that would get me fired if I worked in an office.

    • FB marketplace, rife with scams.

    • The company has been caught doing everything from enabling genocides to collecting data on children to making “shadow profiles” for people without accounts, to influencing elections.

    • A single clicked link can hijack your account, evidenced by how many relatives send me private messages about a “friend that just got them a bunch of money.”

    Yeah I’m more than happy having Lemmy have a basic intelligence barrier to entry, and making sure Meta suffocates if they try to zombify our platform with their accessibility + indoctrination strategy, like they have with entire countries.

    Having a massive illiterate army that will do whatever you influence them to is nothing to sneeze at. (See: TikTok mobilizing their user base in the name of “free speech”)

    If any living breathing person wants to come hang out with us on Lemmy / Mastodon / Pixelfed / etc… using any instance? I’m happy to walk them through it. There’s no “gatekeeping” any more than being required to read is gatekeeping the rest of society.

    It’s been said the Fediverse feels like “the old internet”…exactly, when it was about expression, and anonymous handles, and not corporate and nation-state interests trying to mind control and profit off of alarmingly detailed profiles of the entire human population. Keep the board rooms out of our bedrooms.

  • No kidding. Or how we just got used to Morrowind’s erm…“unique” hit system and weapons actually collided in Oblivion, with real physics!

    And I still remember that trailer shot of walking down the hallway with the traps and casting a fireball while still holding a sword. It was such a crazy feature update!

    “Close shut the jaws…OF OBLIVION”

    And…yeah…today’s game industry is more “How can we make Ai enhanced 24k textures so the game is a 1.5 TB install, but streamline it so entire armor sets are a single item and we remove half the skills from previous titles.”

    I really liked Skyrim, but definitely disagreed with how “opinionated” the games got about how you were supposed to play them…

  • Someone mentioned EndeavourOS. Really enjoy it for sure but it’s still Arch at heart for better and worse. You can follow a simple guide to install it with BTRFS and get system snapshots though! :)

    On my main 3D art rig I’m using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for years and loving it. Great sane security defaults, up to date packages, but they go through a bit of testing so for a rolling release it’s shockingly stable. I actually quite enjoy Zypper.

    If something borks? A rollback option is right there in GRUB.

    Steam works just fine and I’d also recommend (on any distro) Heroic Launcher for your non-Steam stuff. Especially since GoG seems to not care much about us penguin people much at all. -_-

    If you use KDE, both distros are going through some minor growing pains with Wayland at the moment, but it’s getting much better very quickly. X11 is still an option, of course.

    I run Endeavour on my laptop and OpenSUSE on my desktop…and…you might wanna be sitting down for this:

    …Both have Nvidia.

    It could be better but it’s a million times better than it used to be! Installs straight from repo. Only little issues I really have are Wayland-related.

  • Hey there, a little late to the party maybe but I think you might wanna consider Nextcloud Memories!


    I’m not AS big on the rest of Nextcloud (but NC is really cool), but Memories alone makes it worth it. I haven’t messed with making albums a whole lot yet, but basically it works a lot like Immich, except I’m pretty sure it respects folders and uses the directory. It’s got object/face tagging and reverse-geocoding.

    Also sorts everything by EXIF so you don’t end up with that awkward “All my memories happened yesterday” scenario.

    Also has an app to auto-upload. I use Tailscale to connect my phone safely to my network, and it uploads when I plug it in to charge.