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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • I’ll just say it.

    People that continue to use chrome, and all of its little forks like Brave and Edge, are the reason why corpos are winning and making the internet worse off in the long run.

    I’ve been using Firefox since I was a kid 20 FUCKING YEARS AGO. Not ONCE have I went to another browser for anything, and I look shit up constantly, pay my bills through Firefox, and everything between the two.

    Stop making excuses, and just use ANYTHING other than fucking CHROME. I don’t care if it’s safari, ladybird, or fucking internet explorer. Just stop using a browser that is built by an ad company masquerading as a fucking tech company.


  • My thoughts on this:

    Twitter, under Elongated Muskrat, does not have as much of a reach as it used to. Due to this, most of these numbers are probably due to troll farms from Russia, China, North Korea, and any other country who has an interest in destabilizing the US. While we should be wary of these numbers, we should also remember that this idiot has probably come up with a way to conflate these numbers. I don’t understand why people are looking at this like Twitter is still Twitter, and not X. Twitter is dead, guys. The brand has been tarnished. The power is no longer there. He can make every single one of his posts look like it has a billion views, a trillion likes. It’s not real. Twitter has no power. X has no power, except for those dorks who give Elongated Muskrat money to get a little emoji next to their names.