This May and June, leaders from Washington’s policy, political, legal, and national security communities got together to imagine what for many of us remains almost unthinkable: how the United States might change in the wake of a Donald Trump victory in November. The centerpiece of the effort, known as the Democracy Futures Project, was a series of five nonpartisan simulation exercises that envisioned different ways Trump and his administration might dismantle key elements of our democracy.

If there was one core conclusion from the simulations, which brought together nearly 200 experts, it was this: We had better do everything in our power to get out the vote for Kamala Harris and the Democrats in November, because there is currently no effective Plan B on the horizon if Trump returns to the White House.

    2 months ago

    A good question. My kneejerk reaction is that exploiting weakness in the law and traditions are a tried and true method of getting ahead and the broken system is powerless at this point to stop it.

    In reality I believe they think if they arrest Trump and sympathizers as a National Security threat it would legit start Civil War 2

      2 months ago

      Go for it then. They didn’t last but a few moments last time, and now we have drones and GPS locations. I’d arrest his stupid fucking ass, all of his stupid fucking idiot cronies, and let those brainwashed idiots fuck around and find out.

      Problem unilaterally solved on all fronts. Then, the next time the Nazi circus tried to come back around, they’ll get the same.