Bee all that you can beehaw.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Sometime in the past few years I feel like reddit devolved into an argument fest. It seems like the only thing anyone is interested in is arguing or saying rude or hateful shit in the comments. It turned me off to commenting tbh and even pre-api nonsense made me realize I didn’t enjoy reddit the way I used to.

    It’s nice here still, and hopefully stays that way. Sometimes I’ll write something that I realize could be taken as rude and I’ll feel like an absolute asshole until I fix it. Like I’m worried I’ll upset someone when I didn’t mean to… I haven’t given something like that a second thought on Reddit in years.

    Also if anyone reads a comment from me and I sound like an asshole, please let me know! It’s almost certainly not intended, especially anywhere on Beehaw.

  • I rarely use YouTube, but my nephew (he’s two) was over the other day and we put on some cartoons for him that were in YouTube since my wife and I don’t have Disney plus. I couldn’t BELIEVE how many ads it showed. One five-minute merry melodies cartoon had FOUR SEPARATE ad breaks, the third and fourth of which were both 3+ minutes long if you weren’t paying attention to skip.

    Wtf?! Not even shit ass normal broadcast television has that many commercials.

  • That’s awesome man or gal! I have also ridden the weight loss train after letting myself go over COVID. It’s hard, it takes discipline and sacrifice and you should feel great about yourself! Some friendly advice, don’t panic if/when you have the inevitable upswing. I feel like not enough people talk about how once you hit your goal and start level off/maintain, your body will take awhile to find it’s level after being in a deficit mode for so long. Your weight will be ALL OVER THE PLACE for awhile, and then you’ll probably find that your level off will be about 2-5 pounds above the goal weight, really depends on your body type, exercise type/level! In my case my body decided 195 is where it can hover happily, but my goal of 185 was unsustainable. I’ve been 195 for 10ish months and I look and feel better than I did at 185 - more muscle, more energy, less skinny more in shape. So upswing/rebound can be good, and may help you fill out that newly slimmed down frame in a much more attractive way than before!

    The second thing is, ten pounds in a month is a LOT. So great job, but be really careful with your dieting when you’re dropping that fast. That’s 1/3 of your weight loss in one month, or fifty percent more weight than you’d lost in the 9 months prior!