Remember people, if newpipe give error when try to play a video, just turn your phone horizontally and vertically until the error leave. Is really easy
or just update your newpipe
today’s update fixes those errors
Not available on fdroid yet.
add this repo ☞
Even with that repo it doesn’t come up. Not sure how long it takes for it to appear, GitHub is showing the release was tagged about three hours ago as of this writing.
it’s on there. did you sync/refresh after adding the repo?Not OP, but can also confirm it’s not there.
My current version is
Version 0.27.4 org.schabi.newpipe
Rotating does nothing
i’m on droidify, started using obtainium for newpipe after the last “google breaks newpipe” (because it takes repositories some time to add the new updates)
than what i see in there is my obtainium update (?)
I stay well clear of obtanium. Github releases are not the source-reproducible binaries they sometimes pretend to be. There’s no QC whatsoever.
I’ll stick with the F-droid vetting. It’s not perfect, but it’s enough
Lol. Tech support soon: “Have you tried turning your computer sideways and back again?”
Fix has been merged to NewPipeExtractor btw. Just got to wait until it’s implemented in piped.
NewPipe got updated to 0.27.5
Aaand the piped dev says the release is gonna take a few days because the current nightly might be unstable
Bro not only all my devices but also I am basically arch testing with bleeding edge software, I basially live off of being unstable, gimme release
It’s on the GitHub as a normal release…
I know.
I wrote the comment at 2025-01-22T13:27+01:00.
The fix was commited on 2025-01-22T14:09:11+01:00.
Same solution works for any problem really.
It does not work for me. Yesterday it started working after a few retries.
Or change resolution quality
A good backup is to install Seal and share the video to it to download. Seal seems to keep an updated version of yt-dlp that has not failed for me yet. It’s just not for subscriptions and multiple downloads.
Test video:
I can confirm this does not work, and I get the sad face each time