• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • People have a wide variety of opinions and interests that are not represented well on a two dimensional left right spectrum.

    Lemmy has a fair few people who will fight you over their own perceived interests.

    Because Lemmy is so small it’s common for the same people to argue over their interests in every community. In the morning I catch up on the all feed in 20ish minutes (I block politics and memes).

    Take that together if you say something against any groups zeitgeist or one of their trigger topics it feels like all of Lemmy is dog piling you.

    Remember online isn’t the same as real life, express yourself and share your earnest ideas and don’t care about downvotes. If someone is being unreasonable just ignore/block them.

  • Wake on lan is fairly well tested, you can have a system that’s asleep, sees the packet and turns on.

    You just have to wait until the computer completely boots before you can access your resource.

    For good demonstration, moonlight and Sunshine do this very well. But you can implement it with many different programs

    For SSDs, and NVMEs, turning on and off isn’t a big deal. For spinning discs, you would want to minimize the cycles, because that is the most mechanically taxing task they will do. You have to balance the power of keeping the disc spinning all the time, versus the cost of replacing the disc more frequently