I have a disability and want to smack these jerks with my cane.
Fun story time that, for legal reasons, is a complete fabrication:
Was going food shopping one weekend. No smaller carts inside so walked out and went to one of the drop offs to grab one. On the way back, I see someone put their car into reverse from the “ramp”. Some people stop and wait for them to leave. I just keep walking and pushing my cart while considering my speed “just in case”.
They IMMEDIATELY peel out and smash into the cart. It goes under their tire and rips off most of the bumper and pops their tire (which was fucking terrifying). They get out and start screaming at me and threatening to call the cops and kick my ass. I explain “So… you are going to call the cops and explain to them you didn’t look when backing up from an illegal parking space and hit a pedestrian? I’m in a bit of a rush but I guess I can stick around for that”. Lady who was trying to get her walker out of her car even volunteers to be a witness.
Had a good old laugh and walked to get a new cart. They were still there freaking out when I left the store.
You’re one of my new favorite people.
Hey, we all need stories like this in our current capitalist hellscape. True or not.
Love that you had to insert a remark on capitalism even though this has nothing to do with that
I dunno. Is it the capitalist part or the hellscape part? Maybe if Rich people were as generous as they pretended they are and we lived in a Capitalist Utopia it wouldn’t be a problem?
So in a communist sosciety you wouldnt need those good stories but because of “our capitalistic hellscape” you do? How come? What has this story have to do with capitalism? Absolutely nothing! You just had to rub your (unreasoned) opinion into everyone’s face.
Well that depends. Are talking about a communist utopia or a communist hellscape?
Did everybody clap?
So people are aware: If you are handicapped, you CAN park in the striped lines. In many cases, it’s the only feasible option for that person to safely exit.
For example: If directly to the left of the spot is a wall and your vehicles’ automated ramp deploys to the left, they have to park in the stripes.
Adding insult to injury in this case, it’s possible the handicapped person can’t enter their fucking car.
So much this.
The hashed out area… that’s what it’s there for- its part of the accessible parking space.
Exactly this happened to my friend who is a quadriplegic, some asshat parked on the striped lines next to her and she couldn’t get in her car because there was no space for the ramp. She posted a great video at the time showing visually why you should never park in the stripes.
Are you sure it’s legal? Why can’t you just back in if it’s on the wrong side?
Late response: Yes. You can’t back into a spot in a diagonal parking lot.
Reverse in? Like everyone should basically do anyway?
Yeah. I don’t know why this isn’t standard, it’s far safer than front in. You have less of a chance mowing down small children and animals.
Places that have specific security concerns with people being able to get away from the building fairly quickly seem to mandate backing in to the parking spots in my country.
Same. I have worked at facilities where the only parking allowed was facing out, or you would be towed.
You can’t back into a spot in a diagonal parking lot.
Laws should permit people with disabilities to legally scratch and dent the hell out of a vehicle parked like that.
There are certain behaviors I feel like should mean the perpetrator forfeits the protection of law. Parking in bike lanes is also one.
If I was on a jury where they were prosecuting someone for smashing up a car parked in the bike lane or handicap spot, I’d probably find not guilty.
Well, if someone was illegally parked in a bike lane and their car was hit by a cyclist, what legal protection would they have? I’d say zero. 😄
Ever seen what firefighters do to a car parked in front of a hydrant they need? Handicapped people should take note.
We live in a society, and all must do our part to enforce the social contract.
It should be legal for anyone to key the shit out of cars that park like this
Remember kids, if you see a guy in a wheelchair keying a car…go help. He can’t reach up high.
If you wanted to pierce YOUR OWN TIRE for some reason, if you place a nail under a tire, (assuming you considered roll angle) it would pierce a tire quite nicely.
Rubber would seal pretty well to make it a slow leak, but cutting a channel into the side with an angle grinder or dremmel would help.
For maximum air leakage, take a 1/4in or 3/8 in steel pipe, then cut it into 4 in bars, then cut those bars in half with a diagonal cut. Place sharp end into tire groove.
Again, this is for educational purposes only if you wanted to get air out of your tire very quickly.
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Please also remember that technically, there is nothing stopping you from buying a giant permanent marker
If you happen to accidentally draw a massive cock and balls on somecunt’s windscreen that would be unfortunate
On the windshield I’m totally okay with this type of vandalism. It cleans up easily with alcohol and everyone will know this guys a douche canoe until he can do it.
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Parking in the handicap spot when you’re not handicapped is a douche move. But retaliating by destroying personal property is a bigger douche move.
We all know what you’re implying.
Aww but I was being so cleverly coy about it. 🙄
Which is a great reason to avoid being a douche in the first place, because there’s bigger douches out there that do have some principles but love a chance to practice their doucheness on someone they determine deserving.
I’ve seen multiple idiots, some entitled, some clueless that parked in the loading areas thinking it was okay because they’re “not taking a handicapped spot”
I’m disabled, but I can still walk. The entitlement boils my blood too.
The yellow lined area is not a parking space. The space is left open for ramps on vehicles that need an extra side space to get in and out of and extend the ramp.
It’s also left open because that’s where the drop curb is for people getting out of a car parked in the accessible spot can physically get onto to sidewalk.
The yellow lined area is not a parking space
I know, that’s why I said “loading area” when referring to that space.
I work for DIDDs full time and let me tell you, my favorite incident so far driving my two disabled ladies around was the time where, in a very obviously for-the-transport-of-wheelchairs van, we got cut off… in their church parking lot.
I still laugh about it. “Did I just get cut off… in a handicapped vehicle… in a church parking lot? Okay. Alright. Let’s see where that gets you.”
To add; I’m not religious but my ladies love their church so I take them every Sunday. And this church? Judgey. That person is so fortunate I didn’t squeal on them.
I accidentally scratch those cars with my keys every time.
You sound clumsy AF.
That shit ain’t immune to keys
Not that it’s necessarily the case here, but I destroyed my knee and had crutches etc for a while, and I just got a tag to hang from my mirror.
Someone walked up before I got out of the car yelling about how I can’t park there, and then I got out with my crutches and knee wheelie and pointed at the handicap tag on my rear-view mirror.
Again, probably not the case here, but I had that thing for about a month, and I caught a ton of dirty looks and stuff because people assumed all handicapped indicators are on license plates.
I think they’re pointing out the person parked in the area used for wheelchair loading. The yellow hashed area. You shouldn’t park there tag or not.
And why the fuck does the license on the back say international auto sales?
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WTF are you talking about? I’m pointing out that the white vehicle, which the comment I’m responding to is taking about, does not have an actual license plate on it. You’re the one that’s desperate to hate on somebody.
That’s a place holder plate. Dealerships, and used car places put them on before official licensed plates are available (in order to advertise), and will often put a dealer plate on the inside of the vehicle in the window or similar so that the vehicle is street legal. I think (not super positive) that rental car places do that as well sometimes to move vehicles etc.
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So you’re the type that when you lose an argument with someone, you go digging into their comment history. You seriously need to get a life, kid.
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No, at least in Colorado, you can’t park there.
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I hate citizens who play cops. To them I say: Unless you are the person looking at the X-rays and medical clipboard, you cannot make the judgement on what someone else is going through. If you are bugged by someone in the handicap parking space and didn’t even take the time to look over to see a sign on their vehicle, go talk to the manager in the building. Don’t target the person struggling to get out of their vehicle. That’s not your job.
OP is talking about the car in the yellow striped zone, which is not a parking space. It’s space reserved for ramps for the adjacent handicap parking spaces.
“my lawyer just won a massive case against someone pretending to be doctor- what’s your lawyers’ number, please?”
I would get so much satisfaction seeing it towed.
I should be very thankful that were I live, people rarely park on reserved spots and pretty much all shopping carts are being returned.
Germany is indeed a great place to live - I’m assuming you’re German because of your domain suffix, plus it makes sense. My sister-in-law lives there and I just love visiting. My favorite part is how the people I’ve met are just so straightforward. I wish everyone was so honest and direct!
Has it become legal in America to park in the fire lane in front of shopping centers? Last couple years most of them around me are just full of cars.
Apparently it’s legal here as long as the drive puts on their hazard lights.
In fact everywhere in the states apparently it’s safe to park if you just put on your hazards now.
Under normal circumstances, the parking lot is private property, meaning that police do not have jurisdiction there regarding parking or traffic. In other words, you can’t get a ticket in a parking lot. Unless the property owner has requested that the police patrol the lot and write tickets, and the police agree to do so, and are allowed to (or not disallowed) by local ordinance. That’s going to be pretty rare, though.
In cases like yours, and OP’s, the resolution is for the owner of the parking lot to have the vehicle(s) towed. At a standalone store, the store is not going to be eager to anger a customer by towing their car. At a strip mall, the operators of the stores probably do not also own the parking lot, and so wouldn’t have the power to tow.
Food delivery (e.g. Uber) vehicles that park in disabled parking spots make me so angry. I’m always tempted to steal their license plates.
This is infuriatingly common where I live.
judging from the plates its also a dealer car or at least not street legal