I do empathise, but if you guys don’t stop this, your kids are going to be in a worse situation than homelessness. Everyone there is, and us outside the US are also going to be fucked because america is so powerful globally and everything so intertwined. Nazi Germany was a hard enough fight, but military technology was less advanced then, to say nothing of nukes…
The problem is that this shit gets entrenched, normalised and harder to fight, as time goes on. Think how much unimaginably awful stuff has already happened - you think they’re done? By the time it’s bad enough you’re ready to fight no matter what, any kind of resistance will be illegal and very difficult. Will you be on the streets protesting when they threaten you with putting you in a labour camp for life with no trial? Then what’s gonna happen to your kids? Fight while you can.
Your kids will grow up not remembering a different world, propagandised at school/ mandatory youth activities and probably fighting for the system you despise. This has all happened before in countries which became authoritarian/fascist, and you can also read/watch 1984.
They’ve been raising the heat in the pot for decades. Some of us have been paying attention, but we typically get called “sensationalist” or “alarmist”. They’ve started calling us “an tea fuh” and “unAmerican” now. Camps will probably come at some point.
Incrementalism was the death knell of this country. We’re just hearing the death rattle now.
They already are sending people to camps - the ones in el Salvador. Trump is now threatening to send the americans vandalising teslas there. He often signals his actions beforehand with the social media rants, probably so his handlers can get a read on public opinion (especially of MAGA) before he does anything, while he’s still got plausible deniability and can say he was trolling, which MAGA also loves.
People need to get out on the streets, make massive protests, make a freedom movement. Maybe make it fun like they did in the 60’s, make it a huge street party which lasts for days with music, dancing, food, people drop in and out as they can, tents and share accommodation and child care.
It doesnt matter what the MAGA cult says, they’re all delusional. You can’t argue with someone like that. They want to believe it, so no evidence can convince them otherwise. There are more of you than of them. When MAGA starts losing, they’ll leave it, quietly.
Man in the 2000s it was straight up “Extremist”, “Traitor”, “snowflake.”
That’s what so frustrating to see what OP said. That, plus gerrymandering, citizens United, and voter suppression. The GOP has been dismantling the Republic for longer than I’ve been alive.
I do empathise, but if you guys don’t stop this, your kids are going to be in a worse situation than homelessness. Everyone there is, and us outside the US are also going to be fucked because america is so powerful globally and everything so intertwined. Nazi Germany was a hard enough fight, but military technology was less advanced then, to say nothing of nukes…
The problem is that this shit gets entrenched, normalised and harder to fight, as time goes on. Think how much unimaginably awful stuff has already happened - you think they’re done? By the time it’s bad enough you’re ready to fight no matter what, any kind of resistance will be illegal and very difficult. Will you be on the streets protesting when they threaten you with putting you in a labour camp for life with no trial? Then what’s gonna happen to your kids? Fight while you can.
Your kids will grow up not remembering a different world, propagandised at school/ mandatory youth activities and probably fighting for the system you despise. This has all happened before in countries which became authoritarian/fascist, and you can also read/watch 1984.
They’ve been raising the heat in the pot for decades. Some of us have been paying attention, but we typically get called “sensationalist” or “alarmist”. They’ve started calling us “an tea fuh” and “unAmerican” now. Camps will probably come at some point.
Incrementalism was the death knell of this country. We’re just hearing the death rattle now.
They already are sending people to camps - the ones in el Salvador. Trump is now threatening to send the americans vandalising teslas there. He often signals his actions beforehand with the social media rants, probably so his handlers can get a read on public opinion (especially of MAGA) before he does anything, while he’s still got plausible deniability and can say he was trolling, which MAGA also loves.
People need to get out on the streets, make massive protests, make a freedom movement. Maybe make it fun like they did in the 60’s, make it a huge street party which lasts for days with music, dancing, food, people drop in and out as they can, tents and share accommodation and child care.
It doesnt matter what the MAGA cult says, they’re all delusional. You can’t argue with someone like that. They want to believe it, so no evidence can convince them otherwise. There are more of you than of them. When MAGA starts losing, they’ll leave it, quietly.
Man in the 2000s it was straight up “Extremist”, “Traitor”, “snowflake.”
That’s what so frustrating to see what OP said. That, plus gerrymandering, citizens United, and voter suppression. The GOP has been dismantling the Republic for longer than I’ve been alive.