The White House posted a dehumanizing video Tuesday using the sound of detained immigrants being deported with the caption “ASMR: Illegal Alien Deportation Flight.”
The White House posted a dehumanizing video Tuesday using the sound of detained immigrants being deported with the caption “ASMR: Illegal Alien Deportation Flight.”
They weren’t immigrants. Immigrants have paperwork, that they applied for, before entering the country. Legally. It’s not despicable to require people to immigrate using legal processes.
So these people are subhuman to you? Gotta have paperwork to be a person? Sounds like a nazi. My grandparents told me what to do with nazis.
They’re not sub-human. But they are circumventing the system, which prevents real people from coming. I’m also mature enough to realize we can’t save the whole world. The third world creates children -much- faster than the West could -ever- assimilate them. How much money do -you- donate each month, to birth control in third world countries?
Our country had no system for longer than it’s had one, worked just fine back then
Maybe the system is the fuckin problem
Yeah back then we also had measles, polio and whatever the fuck You can imagine. Say again it worked fine
Ah, yes, because immigration laws directly impact out medical knowledge
Already have you tagged as someone not to take seriously but come on that one was bad dude
Why does the West have to ‘assimilate’ them? Why can’t the cultures merge?
Based on how you say it they are sub-human. What do you mean make way for real people. Are those that are here already not real people.
Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi
the despicable thing they referenced was posting a video mocking their cries and terror as asmr you fuck.
If you’re going to challenge the definition of such words, perhaps you should know the difference between ‘immigrate’ and ‘emigrate.’
You’re being deliberately obtuse, but for other readers: the official Whitehouse Twitter account posted a video of deportations with the caption “ASMR: Illegal Alien Deportation Flight.” Regardless of whether you support deportation plans or not, the caption is undignified and childish, unbecoming of speech from an official government office. Regardless of anything, you should understand that making light of a person’s life being uprooted is demonstrative of a callous disregard for humanity. In other words, this is despicable.
Illegal immigrants are still immigrants dumbass
They waste resources, money, and prevent other people from coming legally. I care about the honest people who apply. Criminals can go to jail, sure, I see no problem with that. If someone stole your car, you want them in jail. If someone steals a few thousand dollars a month, living in a nice hotel in New York, on my money, yes, I want that person arrested.
That isn’t really happening at a scale you need to be worried about. They are net contributors to your economy and commit crimes at lower rates.
The only down side is some wage suppression in low-skilled areas like picking fruit.
Lol, how? You mean the government wastes money trying to find/remove these people? Maybe the government should stop wasting them?
Oh, look, you’re mad at the president but want to blame checks notes brown people. Racist
What a great and despicable crime they’ve committed, to exist without the proper paperwork. How unacceptable it is that they failed to renew their visas, truly they deserve imprisonment without due process in Guantanamo Bay, where they can be abused like the scum they are without the pesky bleeding hearts demanding consequences. You are a truly moral and good person, and your strong words will surely be rewarded with low grocery prices.