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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’ll second that STL will make FNV work on Mint, I’ve made many comments extolling how much better it runs that way than it ever did on windows

    that being said RED ALERT:

    You need a version of YAD not from the stone age (so not the distro software manager version) to install STL. The instructions for making your own YAD from the GitHub assume you’ve done it before and can understand what phrases like “do the usual” mean. It’s not hard but it took me 45 fucking minutes to find a comment 5 months ago on Reddit that said “do this exact command” and made it all go smooth. If you’re familiar with GitHub and the make command: you’re good homie.

    If you have any issues with FNV you can PM me as I finished my playthrough recently and did everything you can do in modding to it, LoD and all, no issues. Ok, that’s a lie, but the issues were my fault, not the system.

  • So how would a cop catch up to someone who bypass their limiter?

    They don’t, there’s no need. They get the person’s plate info and send the fine after the fact. They can also come impound the vehicle, as well. Dangerous chase: avoided.

    Or respond to hostage situation in a timely manner?

    They can have a special vehicle at the station that doesn’t have the limiter for extremely specific situations like that. Only specially trained officers can use it.

    Or get to another unit who needs assistance?

    Normal speeds. They shouldn’t be allowed to endanger people not even near an incident to get somewhere because another cop is “”“in danger”“”

    I think it would just be better to fire cops who abuse their power.

    I think it would just be better to not give cops the chance to abuse their power in the first place since that injures and kills people

  • Funny enough he really was the safest and smartest guy on the team, the burning flip flop was someone else’s fault lol

    They’d poured some unknown diesel on the ground and held a lighter to it (testing if it was tainted with gasoline, it’ll burn if so) and apparently it was VERY gasoline mixed. Idiot grabs a WATER HOSE to spray it so safety manager, who’s on lunch and pulling into the yard jumps out of his truck and stomps on the fire to put it out. Just as the first guy sprays the water.

    The fire skitters and lights the flip flop on fire, which safety manager kicks off without a thought because it was ON FUCKING FIRE, he just happened to arc it perfectly over the 500g dispenser tank. Another coworker ran over from “off camera” and doused it like 5 seconds after that, it was truly a comedy.

    If safety manager was around then all of us yardies were in our steel toes, Anti-Flame gear, and wearing a mask and glasses if the work called for it. He was in the office 90% of the time dealing with bullshit though so we 3 idiots and an actually autistic guy that was so bad he needed supervision just to live (yeah they let him work around EXPLOSIVES) regularly did shit that would have gotten us shut the fuck down, and rightfully so. Gotta eat, though, so…

  • Oh there’s more like it, too, lol. Like the time a tank WASNT actually empty and I popped the valve off (I had done everything to bleed it off, the bleeder was stuck full of bug gunk I’d later find out). I was deaf for 5 minutes, the valve landed 1 building over, luckily didn’t hit anyone/anything.

    Then there’s the time the cigarette guy climbed up the back of a fuel truck and popped the tank and looked in. He had a cig in his mouth, lit, and thought it was a diesel truck. It was a gas one. Had it been more empty (this fumes) he’d likely have blown his stupid ass up. Instead, he jumped off and twisted his ankle. I unironically hate that man with a passion for many, many reasons.

    Or the time my co-worker was doing knife work and just stabbed himself in the gut. That one’s a classic: overconfidence in cutting TOWARDS one’s self.

    Ooh, ooh, a good one: trimming trees with a chainsaw while on a pallet on a forklift 20ft in the air, held on by a rope tied around your WAIST. That was also the safety manager lol

  • I work in propane and have since late 2015. Used to work in the yard refilling, re-valving, painting, etc. these cylinders and tanks.

    One of those things I did was empty (purge) the tanks before I pulled the valves out. Normally you do this by hooking them to a burn tower that pulls the fuel out and burns it away like 15 feet above everyone’s head. My company didn’t have permission from the city for they do we set up a tower anyway and just let the fuel pour out of it. You can imagine how… Fucking stupid that was?

    Many times (I literally cannot count) people walked out with lit cigarettes and I was ready to die.

    There’s also the time my safety manager lit his flip flop on fire and kicked it over the propane dispenser WHILE IT WAS ON FIRE

    Also: never swap your propane tanks at one of these cage services. Many of them will aim to give you a close to, or fully out of date tank so you cannot get them filled at a normal fill spot. They’re also insanely expensive. If the swap out is $25 for a 5-gallon tank then you’d need to be spending $5/gallon at the dispenser for it to be even close in price, and if your propane dispenser is selling it to you for that or more then you’re being fucked

  • So many people go boomer argument mode over this because they don’t like change, but their anger is clearly misplaced. The 3.5mm is not the king of audio connectors and never was, it’s death could very easily have been a good thing.

    Why the fuck didn’t headphone makers start offering USB-C devices once phones pulled this move? My PC mobo from 2017 has a C port that could be used for this, I’m certain computers could have easily adapted (and they’re the way smaller market anyway). Is it just because apple had to be special with their lightning bullshit? If so, they’d better start it up now!

    Instead of being able to buy new cans with the wire that my phone uses I have to snag an adapter. Not a BIG deal but this change is over 5 fucking years old, we should have these devices as the norm now to avoid all of the fucking issues we’re currently looking at