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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • That’s quite interesting.

    Although it would need access to an already configured and fully functional environment to actually run this.
    I don’t think we’re quite at the point yet where it’s able to find the correct script, pass it to the appropriate environment and report the correct answer back to the user.
    And I would expect that when integration with external systems like compilers/interpreters is added, extra care would be taken to limit the allocated resources.

    Also, when it does become capable of running code itself, how do you know, for a particular prompt, what it ran or if it ran anything at all, and whether it reported the correct answer?

  • You don’t need to correct something everyone already knows is an exaggeration (and I agree it doesn’t seem very socially aware to do so) but this is a political discussion on the internet, so

    1. Everyone does not know the original figure is an exaggeration, especially by how much
    2. Providing the actual information ads value to the conversation and in this context this is more important than whether the commenter comes off as smarmy or socially inept

    What if they said “Hey I know you’re being hyperbolic, but for anyone who’s interested, here’s the number estimated by experts…”?
    The only difference here is tone.

    I’m not sure why they only shared numbers for minke whales, as these don’t seem to be hunted anymore in Iceland in contrast to fin whales, whom the article was about.

    Global fin whale population was estimated in 2018 by IUCN to have been around 100000.