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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • That’s just not true. You can make an entire PC for the price of the PS5 Pro. You can get a GPU that is a bit more powerful than a PS5 Pro GPU for ~$300. People normally spend more on PCs though because of the longevity it provides and you can use it for a lot more than just games. Just looking at Steam data, there’s a yearly increase of MAUs (their concurrent count just peaked 3 days ago at 37.6M) where Playstation has plateaued.

    Time will tell, but I think consoles will fade away, either through lack of appeal or turning into stream boxes as you say. Thanks for the conversation!

  • We will see when Playstation 6 releases, its unlikely to sell as much as PS5 did, let alone PS4. Microsoft already realised the decline and are jumping into games as a service for the Xbox brand, ideally they would want you to just stream their games, as shitty as that is. With Xbox gone, there’s no competition and with Sony being Sony, they are going to abuse that to squeeze any extra money they can from people still willing.

    PC became a lot more affordable and accessible in the last decade and it doesn’t lock you into a closed ecosystem, you can upgrade when you want, you don’t have to pay subscriptions to play online games.

    Kids are more exposed to PC gaming than ever before, with all the popular ‘content creators’ primarily playing on PC, so they are naturally swayed to it more than consoles.

    I hear so many stories of people switching to PC, friends asking me for advice for what to buy for themselves or their children.

    Circana’s May 2024 U.S. video game market highlights, the analytics company reported that video game hardware spending is down 40% compared to 2023. Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony have all shown “double-digit percentage declines,” with the Nintendo Switch seeing the “most significant drop.”

    The writing is on the wall, it would take a big change to swing back the other way. There’s a reason they are dying for GTA 6 to release.

  • Location isn’t that accurate, the phone was probably just traded in a car or in the street.

    So the police get a call from the phone owner “yeah my phone location is on X street”, the police get down there, then what? Let’s say it was in a house, it’s rows of houses in London, do they knock on every door there and ask “hey have you stolen a phone?” in hopes the guy admits it? It could have been traded already so a description of someone might not be good enough.

    I just read the whole article and it just re-iterates what I have just said. They recover a small amount of the phones because of how quick they move them after they have been stolen. It even says that the criminals “wrap stolen phones in tinfoil to block its signal”.

    It’s easy to sit in your chair and say “just go over there and arrest them”, without even taking a moment to understand the logistics of tackling it.

  • With infinite budget sure, worth a shot, but it would cost a lot more than the price of the phone to track it down.

    Realistically speaking, there isn’t enough personel or funds, so it isn’t worth attempting to chase the phone down. These phones move fast through fences, they aren’t just taken to one address and left there. The criminals could and probably do have ‘faraday bags’ to block signals from phones as they move them, only ever taken out to sell them along.

    All the police can do is record any data they do get and compile it into a larger investigation with the hopes of attacking the head of the snake (but what even is that?).

  • There are a lot of ‘fake’ 120Hz+ TVs you have to watch out for though. The real ones are expensive.

    The point being really, most people dont upgrade their TVs at all, for as long as the picture is good. Consoles have the hardware todo 120Hz right now.

    Thats another good point, when you are sat so far away from the screen, the resolution becomes less important.

  • I’ve only played two of them and they worked just the same as any other game. You are putting words into my mouth now, I refuted every ‘hoop’ you listed, I never said ‘just deal with it’.

    I could build a pc, give it to anyone and it would work in the same vein as a console. What is the point you are trying to make? That PCs have loads of issues? The consoles are flawless? Make sense.