The only thing Linda can do is ignore her husband’s cheating and human trafficking, and taking a stone cold stunner.
The only thing Linda can do is ignore her husband’s cheating and human trafficking, and taking a stone cold stunner.
Where was the cat during the funeral hmmm?
No I didn’t bring that up, I actually barely talk to anybody I work with anymore. I just listen and laugh to myself.
That man’s body is built like a stretch Armstrong mixed with a Duracell D battery.
I work with two people that are within a year of retiring and they are absolutely ecstatic that Trump was doing this to Social Security, as well I work with people that are in their early 20s that are exactly the same happy that this is happening and thinking that they will all become super wealthy.
Good luck with that couch fucker.
Sick, weak, stupid, misinformed, the American way!
He has the name of a villain in the next death stranding game.
President for life, so about 6 months?
Elon is a anamorphic Ponzi scheme.
Can you bang a couch while wearing skis?
Agreed, they should do a full walkout or during the race do a totally radio blackout and after the race answer all questions with silence.
Who sits on a toilet and takes viagra?
Agreed! As an American I was extremely embarrassed watching this happen, the people of Ukraine didn’t deserve this. Us real Americans don’t deserve to be in this car crash that Trump is driving us towards.
I clap my hands when I’m served Dino nuggets.
Oh good! I hope this is what helps lower the price of gas and groceries.
Trump need to win a pair of concert shoes.
I really enjoyed listening to max getting booed, along with the FIA.
Would not be surprised if government officials start falling out of windows or their cars mysteriously blowing up.