A husband. A father. A senior software engineer. A video gamer. A board gamer.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Yeah Spring wasn’t 1.0 until 2004. We had XML files upon XML files just to describe one single Java “Bean”. I did java programming from 2001-2002 and the again from 2011-today. Things dramatically changed (framework-wise) in that short decade I was away from it.

    I would agree, Spring Boot and Spring are very useful to learn. React, despite having its origins in Facebook and still with Meta’s hands on it, is a good web framework especially if you use it with Typescript.

  • To those saying “he’s right”…

    He’s complacent. He’s a useless troll. He thinks nothing should change because he’s effectively saying “it is what it is”, which is the same bullshit response I see from every single conservative who continues to simply say “thoughts and prayers” after an event like this. There are many ways to try to help prevent such a tragedy, and blanket statement of it being a “fact of life” does literally nothing.

    And every day, it keeps happening. And every day, the media keeps shining a spotlight on it. And every day, nothing gets done.

  • First, I don’t condone sending arms to Israel or any country or group that is intent on eradication of others. Israel is run by a shit leader.

    Second, Hamas is also at fault.

    Third, you damn well know if Trump had been in office, shit would be even worse in the Middle East.

    So stop trying to make this a single issue election — it’s not. Some of us are capable of critical thinking and can easily see that America and the world are far worse off with your petulant child.

  • I found that there were a couple questions I would have preferred very straight answers to, but she knows she doesn’t have the time in that interview to go in-depth on any one topic and anything in the Middle East is always an extremely complex topic to debate.

    I’ll still vote for her and she’ll likely win. Assuming you’re an American citizen, if you want to vote for Trump, that’s your right, but you will be voting for a convicted felon, whose policies are limited to “dictators love me” and “my crowd size is bigger” and “I’m not weird, they’re weird.”

    I’d rather have an adult in the White House, personally.

  • I don’t have an answer for you, but I have a caution…

    I once worked for AT&T and worked on AT&T Messages.

    DO NOT USE IT, if it still exists, if you’re with AT&T. At the time I worked on it, there was no encryption except in-flight (https) – which means if I had had production access (and some people who worked there at my level, definitely did), I could have read all messages, blobs, everything. I was told after I quit that they intended to add encryption, but since AT&T would still hold the keys, it’s useless.