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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • There’s a lot of issues with our shitty 2 party system. No doubt.

    But I think you (and a lot of folks on lemmy) are vastly over estimating how liberal most Americans are. The country as a whole is fairly moderate (and compared to the international world, pretty conservative), and when both parties allow themselves to be controlled by the fringe edges (right or left), most Americans will lean away from the party unless they’re a brainwashed group of idiots without the ability to critically think… And those type of folks already have their orange champion.

    Abstaining from voting is only going to help one group of people, and unless you enjoyed Jan 6th, that isn’t ok. I agree whole heartedly that this situation sucks. We’ve got a wanna be dictator with a real shot at the presidency and our only other choice is Joe Biden.

    But there’s only been one president in the history of the country that has promoted and pushed for an overthrow of democracy, I’d vote for anyone running against him to prevent that shit from happening again. Meanwhile I’m voting for any representative and senator or local politicians who work towards a ranked voting solution. But if you abstain then you’re helping Trump get elected, you’re absolutely stupid if you think the 2 are the same, Biden is not my ideal candidate by any means, but at least he isn’t actively trying to destroy our country or literally offering to sell our future to big oil.

  • Didn’t recognize that name at all. After reading his wiki I recognized that he was one of the Georgia run-off Senate races. Maybe he’ll do some stuff and gain some popularity in the future. From what I saw in wiki the only thing he has done so far is vote with the party and help get a college re-accredidated. The reason his campaign was somhighly funded was because he was running in one of the most contested races in the country that was flooded with cash from all over.

    I’m very glad he won, but also would someone who barely won their district really be a great possible push for a national candidate?

    Also, “not a huge supporter” and have now posted him as a name/possibility all over the thread lol… You campaign for him? Are you him?

  • That’s not true at all. Following an unlawful order is illegal and not a valid excuse.

    The officer oath is to support the and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

    Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (aka disobeying a direct order) spells out that it only applies to lawful orders.

    Anything illegal is non binding, and stating you’re following an order is not an excuse. That’s literally one of the rules of the Geneva convention.

    All that to say, not at all true. What I really would expect if Trump tried pulling this off with the military is a huge amount of resistance and pushback and no one in command really following the illegal orders.

    There might be some schism group of crazies who try and jump the chain of command because they’re MAGA crazies in the military, but it’s definitely a small minority.

    The US Military is a volunteer force, the officer corps has been taught and studied the history of these type of bad orders and crazy situations extensively. The NCO corps and rest of the enlisted are not ignorant bumpkins who are ignorant of their jobs and their duty to the constitution.

  • Definitely a case of “good, now go do apple again”. The mobile marketplaces being locked down and tied to services is bullcrap. If I want a run of the mill open source android OS and to be able to use Gmail (or drive, or some other Google product ) I should not have to allow Google full access to the knowledge of every app I run and the screen time and my location information… Etc, etc.

    But I do think the apple win on a technicality will be revisited at some point.

    And to be clear, I freaking do not like Epic. But this fight they’re on the side I agree with. Open up the mobile platforms.

  • Yeah, that’s not the job of the government. While I agree that the divorce rate in the country is surprisingly high and I personally think that’s a bad thing, one partner should not be trapped in a relationship they want out of because “they’re not allowed out”. If either side of a relationship wants to end it, that’s their right.

    A judge should not have to determine if a reason is “good enough”. And despite religious beliefs, from the government’s perspective, marriage is a 2 sided contract that can be ended at will.

    If your church or personal beliefs say otherwise, that’s up to them. Keep it out of my government.

  • How do you think those people got power and how do you think those rich people keep their money? It’s not just the illuminati in the background. They use free speech to convince people that their problems are caused by someone different, not the guy on the microphone robbing them blind.

    I don’t think it’s a controversial statement to say fuck Nazis, we literally fought an entire war to make that statement. They don’t get to have a podium anymore, because their ideas are evil and harmful to others

  • Have to be intolerant of intolerance or you lose freedom and free speech. We as a society have to decide that intolerant speech that tries to remove rights from certain demographics is in fact harmful and evil and intolerable.

    We’re not talking about academic debates here or hypothetical arguments. Folks are actively working to reduce the rights of others, and in some places they’re winning. Advocating to reduce rights of others is not okay.

    Normally I would agree censorship is not the answer. However without limits, we will see hate gain ground. Part of being a society is setting limits of acceptable behavior, we can’t shit in the aisle at the grocery store, we can’t propagate hate speech, both of these rules (should) exist to protect ourselves as a group. Pretty simple stuff.

  • The US Military also uses IRC, is that the future too? I’m sick of the ridiculous Signal hate with basically no good reason. Basically everything is run in AWS, or Azure, or Google cloud. All the governments have contracts with those cloud providers, because almost every organization large enough has things in the cloud.

    Obfuscation is not meant to be foolproof. Without something like the Tor network (oh wait, the NSA and other organizations have already taken over that) WHO you talk to is not hard to determine. If someone is monitoring ALL network traffic in the world, they’ll know who is talking to who everywhere. But with good end to end encryption and no server side logging recording who you talk to, that’s definitely a good enough combo for me.

    XMPP is certainly not a bad protocol, but I’m not seeing a reason to justify the Signal hate.