Here to talk about fighting games, self hosting web apps, and easy weeknight recipes.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • This is very cool. I’m hoping and do it – those are two independent sites that I’ve subscribed to after hearing about them on the fediverse. Seems like most of 404media’s writers are on Mastodon, at least.

    I also like that this feature creates the ability to have a known link for an author across multiple websites. With that, you could show posts that link to any other article by the same author, regardless of which site the article was published on. So then you can see all the threads of discussion about all of the articles that particular author has written.

  • This might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but Neon White is one of my favorite games of the last few years, and it’s on the Switch. I played on PC, but I haven’t seen any complaints about the Switch version.

    I don’t really know if I’d call if a first person shooter. It’s more like a first person platformer and you have to shoot some targets before completing the level. Levels are very, very short, and you’ll replay them many times to shave a fraction of a second off of your time.

  • From the article, emphasis mine:

    Dorsey, 52, was convicted and placed on death row in 2008 after pleading guilty […]

    The governor’s decision to proceed with Dorsey’s injection comes after his legal team filed a clemency application, stressing Dorsey’s “extraordinary rehabilitation” behind bars, his apparent mental state on the night of the murders as well as inadequate legal representation at trial

    Sounds like there must have been inadequate legal representation – how does one plead guilty and still wind up with the death penalty? What the hell was the plea deal?

  • Disagreement is completely different from what I was talking about. People on the left are aware of the fact that those individuals claimed self defense; most disagree that it should have counted as self-defense. The fact that you saw their opinions in the first place – and they saw yours – shows that. If you think their opinion is wrong, or if they are too unwelcoming to your opinion, that’s a separate issue. I’m not even talking about the merits of either argument here, I’m talking about the fact that people on the left at least tend to know what point they are disagreeing with. Non-conservative news outlets will at least report “George Zimmerman Claims Self-Defense,” or “Popular Progressive Politician Receives Criticism from Own Party.” Right-leaning news outlets outright shelter their audiences from such information.

    In my experience of trying to reach out to conservatives, as our culture of respectful disagreement expects me to, I am constantly blown away by the fact that a typical conservative has no idea what the objection to their worldview even is. Trump got elected almost eight years ago at this point, and they will still drop something like, “So what exactly do you people not like about him?”

    There are levels to echo chambers. America’s Republican voters are sheltered in an iron dome, where dissenting ideas don’t even get in at all.

  • Actions like this create such a huge problem when trying to convince conservatives that Donald Trump is a unique and unprecedented danger.

    It’s one thing when I, a progressive, say that I did not like the most recent Republican president. My conservative neighbors expect me to say that, and therefore ignore the criticism. But it’s not just me saying that; it’s also Mike Pence, John Bolton, John Kelly, Bill Barr, and Chris Christie. That is a unique level of criticism leveled at their own party’s president. But my conservative neighbors don’t know that.

    Trump has been called “dangerous” by his own:

    • Vice President,
    • Secretary of Defense,
    • Chief of Staff,
    • Attorney General,
    • and other advisors,

    yet your typical Republican voter will insist that it’s just people on the left disliking a Republican president, just like any other Republican president.

    Someone may comment that we all live in our own echo chambers, but the damn near impenetrable conservative bubble has no equivalence on the left. If conservative media doesn’t want their audience to know something, conservatives will not know it.

  • Similar story for me, too. I’m not in the game industry, but Morrowind is the game that made me realize how great a game could be. It got me really into gaming, which made me want to be a game developer. I ended up not becoming a game developer, but that’s what got me on the path of learning to code, so it certainly affected my life.

    I remember waking up early on Saturday mornings so that I could play Morrowind for a bit before my parents woke up. A friend and I would take turns playing as our different characters after school. Before that I had played Sonic the Hedgehog, Wolfenstein, and Duke Nukem – and those were fun – but Morrowind put you inside of a story, a really good story, that took place in a world that felt completely real.

    While it’s too bad to see that The Elder Scrolls 6 likely won’t deliver that same kind of experience, I’m sure games like Baldur’s Gate 3 are filling that role for kids today. There are still people making inspirational virtual worlds, and players are still being changed by them.