Hello, tone-policing genocide-defender and/or carnist 👋

Instead of being mad about words, maybe you should think about why the words bother you more than the injustice they describe.

Have a day!

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • The Democrats laundered the reich-wing narrative that immigration is bad and that there’s a “border crisis” when they put forward the far-right border bill that Trump thankfully tanked (for his own selfish reasons, but still good that it didn’t pass).

    Now, months later, after the anti-immigrant narrative has been laundered and normalized, we get to hear about how immigrants are “eating your pets” and how Venezuelan gangs “are taking over apartment complexes”.

    The ratchet effect is real. We need to stop demonizing people that were born on the other side of a border and Democrats need to grow a fucking spine and push back on these racist lies instead of enabling them.

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  • …you don’t see the hypocrisy in laughing when it happens to republicans but being angry when it happens to democrats?!

    Hypocrisy would require that I had some say in the anti-democratic system that we’re all subjected to, but I don’t, so when anti-democratic shit hurts fascists, I take it as a fortunate side-effect to an otherwise fucked up system.

    But why are you so angry about left-leaning third parties then?

    I’m not angry about left-leaning third-parties? I just wish more of the third-parties would put in the necessary work in down-ballot local elections. People like Jill Stein just show up in the presidential race to grift and detract from the total number of votes that the Democrats would get. I would encourage third-party candidates to in down-ballot elections, where they can actually win and make a difference. I vote for those candidates when they run in elections I can vote in. But Jill Stein and Cornell West are clearly just grifting in a race they’ll never win, and in doing so will take away some amount of potentially-Democratic voters.

    You have every right to vote for whomever you want, but don’t delude yourself into thinking that voting third-party in a US presidential race is anything more than a virtue signal.

  • It is good when the most fascistic US political party occasionally suffers from the anti-democratic electoral system in the US, yes.

    It’s unfortunate that actual left-leaning third-parties in the US contribute to the spoiler effect, and therefore rightfully catch flack for it, but I won’t stop myself from celebrating the fact that the Libertarian party ruins things for the Republicans.

    Actual serious third-parties should be pushing hard in local and state elections, where they actually have some shot of winning. And props to the Green candidates and other nominally left-leaning politicians that actually do that. But Jill Stein and Cornell West only rearing their heads every four years to syphon off votes from the Democrats in presidential races that they will never win, without putting in the work in the local elections, is counter-productive and only aids the right-wing in gaining power.

    Sorry, but the spoiler effect is real. And, yes, it’s good when it the Republican party suffers from it, and bad when Democrats suffer from it.