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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • It’s a mad rule really… it means work that was done for clients sometimes years ago and paid for has to be dug up and recompiled, when they were perfectly happy with the way they worked now.

    Requiring 33 for new apps is fine, you’re working on them already, upgrading is just part of it (which is more or less how apple work, you must use the latest xcode otherwise they reject). Requiring it for older ones probably means a heck of a lot of stuff is about to vanish from the play store on somewhat short notice.

    There are some apps we’ve already decided to let die because the maintenance work isn’t worth it.

  • Absolutely… service charge or tip, pick one. No double dipping.

    Here in the UK service charges are always labelled ‘voluntary’ to get around the law I think. They’re incredibly bad for business though… people don’t like having extra charges slapped on and the servers don’t like being asked (not always politely, from what I’ve seen) to have them removed. People don’t go back to such places… It’s been a while since I’ve seen a restaurant try to do it, but I reckon they’re still out there.

  • In Europe everyone charges what’s needed to pay the staff, with varying tip/no tip cultures. There’s no added risk. In the US unless everyone suddenly switched at once (eg. making tipping illegal overnight) then the restaurants that increased prices would be taking a financial risk because it might drive customers away.

    In truth, food price probably works out about the same anyway… in the US the menu price has service charges tax and another 20% added on top of that for a tip. In Europe the price on the menu is what you pay. . it already includes everything except the tip, and tipping is voluntary for good service (depending on country, Europe isn’t one culture).