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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Oof, men being creeps in photos is super common in my experience. I do historical costuming, and men think it’s hilarious to pretend to squeeze your boobs or butt (or bustle) when they ask for photo. Obviously the historical clothing adds another layer to the situation, but I don’t dress that way to be a punchline to a joke. Most of my costuming friends have similar stories of men oozing into the picture after their wives ask for a picture. My friends who do cosplay have had men do weird shit in photos, too. And they never introduce themselves first, so they can just disappear into the crowd after.

    Admittedly that’s different than the situation with Franken where other people asking for his picture, but men are comfortable invading women’s personal space when it comes to photography. Lots of my female friends who don’t do costuming have stories about the creepy guy who gets too close for photos at family or work events. Just because Franken is famous doesn’t mean he can’t be a creepy dude who takes advantage of the situation.

  • Hey, so, lots of rape survivors have asked people to stop framing rape as something that mars a person for life, because it’s basically a rephrasing of the outdated idea of a “ruined woman”. You can’t ruin a person. A lot of people really struggle with the idea that they’re dirty forever, and hearing that said by allies constantly doesn’t help their recovery. You can still recognize the harm that rape does without reinforcing outdated concepts of purity, where before they were pure and unmarked and after they’re “marred for life” with no recovery.