Even more concerning is all the upvotes. That means somebody’s not only posting bullshit, they’re running bots here too
Even more concerning is all the upvotes. That means somebody’s not only posting bullshit, they’re running bots here too
This is a hero list! Props
Agreed. When I’ve had to make local carts every couple years, I have to spend 3 hours hacking a process together and remembering it all. I was hoping somebody would do something that “just works”, but this still seems like more conceptual burden than I was hoping for
So… what’s this article about? What did you find interesting about it?
Wow, the tone here is… really arrogant. When somebody starts off calling their audience idiots, I find it a little harder to read along.
I think I’m glad I did, though. Tone aside, I think it’s a worthwhile insight to note that caching is making up for a shortcoming in your data supply, and that fixing that shortcoming if at all possible should be a priority. The author’s summary would have helped me in the past:
Caching is a useful tool, but can be easily abused without giving any signs of the abuse.
Don’t get involved with caching till the last minute; find any other way you can first. Optimise your application before you use the blunt tool of caching.
While I would love to see Twitter auguring straight into the ground, Twitter’s API changes would explain some portion of this traffic changes. I wonder if there are any other proxy measures for audience engagement as separate from basic traffic
Interesting. Would love to know more about languages that can and can’t be parsed by this approach; the abstract assumes some greater formal-language proficiency that I don’t have
For the curious: this is an impressive and meditative ~5 minute video showcasing a simple but flexible recursive drawing system. I found it worth the watch and I’m curious about the code
+1. I haven’t used Twilio much, but I was impressed with the ease of use and onboarding when I used it 5+ years ago
Are you trying to do something programmatic with thousands of calls, or just engineer your own bespoke stuff? Seconding AWS SNS for big things. For small projects things, Google Voice at least used to be free or cheap and let you treat phone communications much more like emails than a standard phone number does.
+1 for this question. Postman was a thing of simple beauty before they tried chasing the VC money