Does a reboot fix the issue? Seems like it’s recognizing something as a phone number which isn’t a phone number. A reboot might reset whatever daemon is causing the issue.
Does a reboot fix the issue? Seems like it’s recognizing something as a phone number which isn’t a phone number. A reboot might reset whatever daemon is causing the issue.
The orange idiot probably thought this was a documentary:
They fire the same rounds but I wouldn’t really consider them a knockoff. SKS was made sort of as an answer to the M1 carbine and other lighter shorter weapons. This was in comparison to the Mosin Nagant which is a big beefy boy and hard to lug around. Also the SKS was designed 4 years before the AK47.
I’m all for gun control but the guy who shot Scalise did it with an SKS and a handgun. Neither of those are classified as assault weapons.
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If inflation has eaten away at your 6 figure salary that hasn’t been updated since 2009 imagine how the plebs making $7.25/hr feel.
That makes it even worse. Why didn’t they set up at night and throw up some camo netting? There are ways to lessen the chances your radar is blown up is all I’m saying. The ruzzians are morons exhibit #4,832.
This was tucked away at the bottom of the article:
It’s possible the Ukrainians knew where to look for the Yastreb-AV because the truck-mounted phased-array radar emitted a distinctive signal—one Ukrainian intelligence may have had on file.
So they probably did radiate at the wrong time and paid for it.
I was a counter battery radar operator. The systems I used 20 years ago had these neat things called electronic counter measures. I guess russia never got the message that it’s not a smart idea to radiate in a zone with anti-radiation missiles.
No one who has been formally disqualified under Section 3 was charged under the criminal “rebellion or insurrection” statute (18 U.S.C. § 2383) or its predecessors so why would Trump need to be?
Here in colombia eggs cost ~$3 for a dozen.
It’s why I switched to DuckDuckGo. At least there I can find the result in a few pages. Google doesn’t even respect operators anymore. Want to search for enterprise but don’t want car ads? Good luck finding captain Picard through all that nonsense.
This is what happens when the bard rolls a nat 1 perception check while making his album covers.
The latest version of iOS changes the words if you have spellcheck on. I think it underlines the misspelled words if you have spellcheck off.
Any corundum without trace elements is colorless. Corundum with trace chemical impurities makes the gems we know. Chromium gives the red to rubies, sapphire has iron and titanium, you can get other colors using vanadium or different ratios. Gems are neat.
Types of corundum maybe but I think that’s a stretch. Sapphire is (usually) blue Al2O3. Ruby is red Al2O3. Transparent aluminum is Al2O27N5.
Scotty would be proud.
slammeddid a flying suplex on Boebert into the announcer’s table
threw Mankind Boebert off “Hell in a Cell” and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table.
Maine is purple. The north and east are mostly republicans and libertarians and the “cities” in the south are mostly democrats. They also split their 4 electoral votes by district.
The whole ad seems to be a ripoff of a Paul Harvey speech.
Harvey’s wikipedia page describes him as a close friend of Joseph McCarthy, Billy Graham, and J. Edgar Hoover.