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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • This was talked about briefly in October but it’s still flying under the radar imo. The Oct 7th attack took place on these very left leaning pacifist communties who believed in peace and liked to work with the Palestinians and their cause, more than most Israelis.

    Many of the kibbutzniks who experienced October 7 can’t bear to hear Arabic and want to see Gaza erased.

    The trauma is stronger than their worldview

    I was wondering if it might push those with that pacifist/hippy outlook on life to change and it appears it has.

    When even the hippies are yearning for scorched earth tactics it doesn’t bode well for winding down of military operations anytime soon. It also makes me think we’re far more likely to see more serious military action roll into Lebanon within a few months.

    TL:DR RIP peace. We never knew ye.

  • You can mock them all you like but that isn’t going to make them show up at the ballot box.

    I’m aware.

    There are people who are going to be dumb about this and stay home or vote third party. Thing is there’s nothing anyone will say or do that will change their minds one way or another. I know because I voted for Jill Stein in 2016, in Wisconsin. Some have to make the mistake first hand to know it was wrong. It is what it is.

    Upshot is I suspect major operations will be wrapped up by late spring. If so Gaza will be a distant memory to most voters in November.

    Biden had an 81,000 vote margin in the key electoral college states to work with in 2020. Hopefully he can take the hit this Gaza situation will bring.

    If he can’t, so be it. Life will just get worse faster but at least I’ll get to have a little bit of schadenfreude on the way down watching the Tiktokd left live the meme.

  • We had to work with someone in the area, better to do it with those who scored higher at understanding reality and rational thought.

    Our other options were to trust those who worship a pedophile that married a 6 year old and raped her when she was 9. They will also behead you if you draw said pedophile with a crayon.

    Not exactly the type of people you want to be allied with.

    Judaism has some weird shit as well but I don’t have to take my shoes off at the airport because of them nor do they get all beheady when you wanna make some cartoons about Yahweh so they’re already streets ahead in my rankings.