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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024

  • Correct temperament, but way, way too cogent for anything coming out of Trumpet’s mouth these days.

    “…and they’ll say it was fabricated…great fabrications they say, fabric so great you won’t believe it was made in China…Ivanka…I don’t see whats so bad about China…they call it a sweatshop what’s wrong with that? you should sweat at work. Thats what I think anyway. You know I sweat harder than anyone, anyone alive…Ivanka so beautiful…don’t we have…the most beautiful people here, thats what they hate that we have beautiful. They have ugly Nancy Pelosi and we have the most beautiful people…”

  • Pennsylvania resident here. It’s not an early call. In 2020 the state wasn’t called until Friday iirc. Pennsylvania doesn’t start counting mail in ballots until election day and in most places doesn’t start counting them until the direct polling is turned in.

    This is because prior to the last election we had for-cause mail-in voting only and the number of mail-in ballots was always too small to affect the outcome. The counting law hasn’t caught up with the realities of at-will mail-in voting. Granted, local elections boards are more prepared than they were so it should go faster than 2020 but you should abandon the idea of knowing who won Pennsylvania before you got to bed on Tuesday, unless Harris is already way ahead.

    The margin of this election will almost certainly be smaller than the number of outstanding mail-in ballots. That means we’ll have to wait for them to be counted just like 2020. Also mail in ballots heavily favor Dems, so in any close race you should expect Trump to be well ahead on Tuesday night and slowly lose ground as the mail-in tallies come in.

    The other part of this that absolutely everyone should be aware of is there is a real problem with the current mail-in process in Pennsylvania regarding ballot curing. There are a bunch of rules about how ballots must be mailed in (signatures placement/quality date placement/formatting, envelope types, etc) and how to handle improperly submitted ballots is mostly being left to local elections boards. That means some of them are offering ballot curing, where you can go and fix the issue and have your vote counted, some of them are simply counting the ballots without regard to minor clerical issues, and some of them are throwing out every mail-in for even the slightest technical violation. There are already lawsuits by Republicans trying to establish a precedent that forces all counties into the latter group. State courts have taken a dim view of this position—opting to protect curing and the franchise, but the local federal appeals court has just ruled in the Republicans favor this week, asserting counties are within their rights to discard ballots for minor defects.

    This is a bomb waiting to go off and there is a very real chance we’re going to reach a point where Pennsylvania’s electoral votes are going to be handed to a candidate by a court choosing which mail-in votes count and which don’t. There is also a very real chance that SCOPA and SCOTUS both issue rulings with opposing answers.

  • I expect they will not be worth it as they’re too underpowered for your specific use case. (I’m assuming your use case is hosting complex physical similations for a major university physics department and the old computer you’re considering on Amazon is a used version of this one or something similar.)

    For my home server I use whatever old PC I have laying around already.

  • Those casinos were in Atlantic City. He also lost tens of millions of dollars on one of the most famous and prestigious hotels in New York City. He lost money trying to sell mail-order steaks and whiskey in the United States. He also lost money trying to operate a university during the biggest education bubble in history. He also stole classified documents, ‘lost’ them, and got huge numbers of foreign assets killed. He openly advocates for ending democracy. And as the cherry on top of that shit sandwich, brags about sexually battering women.

  • Articles like this fundamentally misunderstand where so much of Trump’s support comes from. Supporters don’t like like him because they think he’s telling the truth. They claim he’s telling the truth because they like him. Weighing evidence is not what drove them to support him and piling more evidence on the other other side of the scale isn’t going to drive them away. The judgement comes first, the rationale second.

    They’re in it for the vibe. They like that he pisses people off; that he is apparently accountable to no one; that he treats people like dirt if it’s convenient for him; that he lies whenever he wants. To Trump’s base these actions are the hallmark of power and charisma. He is the kind of person they wish they had the courage to be, at least sometimes.

    He is a classic archetype: the heel. If you want to beat him, then he must be made to look weak and pathetic. He has to be humiliated in a way that that his supporters cannot ignore. Fact-checking him is never going to be enough.

  • Oh FFS, I clipped the word new. Of course it uses information in the prompt. That’s trivial. No one cares about it returning the information that was given to it in the prompt. Nevertheless, mea culpa. You got me.

    this is a ship of thesseus premise here

    No, it really isn’t.

    The pupose of that paradox is that you unambiguously are recreating/replacing the ship exactly as you already know it is. The reason the ‘ai’ in question here is even being used is that it isn’t doing that. It’s giving you back much more than it was given.

    The comparison would be if Thesues’ ship had been lost and you definitely don’t have the ship anymore, but had managed to recover the sail. If you take the sail to an experienced builder (the ai) who had never seen the ship, then he might be able to build a reasonable approximation based on inferences from the sail and his wealth of knowledge, but nobody is going to be daft enough to assert it is same ship. Does the wheel even have the same number of spokes? Does it have the same number of oars? The same weight of anchor?

    The only way you could even tell if his attempted fascimile was close is if you had already intimate knowledge of the ship from some other source.

    …when a heavily altered photo of something that vaugely resembles it’s original photo in most aspects, is considered to be a photo”
