I feel that what I wrote and what you interpreted are very different things, that having been said I sincerely wish I had written what you’ve responded to.
I feel that what I wrote and what you interpreted are very different things, that having been said I sincerely wish I had written what you’ve responded to.
I wasn’t trying for any ‘gotcha’ moment or anything, my paranoia is just particularly high these days. I apologize if my open rambling about my personal distrusts has caused you undue stress.
I very much dislike that a person from any country would read your post and push the downvote icon, but I’ve been told to my face that gerrymandering was a legitimate ‘political’ tactic, so I can’t say it surprises me.
it may be the current political climate of the country I’m living it, but kernel level remote access makes me feel inherently less secure. Don’t get me wrong, I never intend to give up my dumb terminal as my only way to use my computer either.
My past self was also and insufferable piece of shit in a completely different way that my current self is. I don’t believe it is our use of linux that drives this particular personality trait as much as the underlying humanity that we share.
TBF normal for tmurp is refusing rental applications from people based on race and making unsolicited unwelcome physical advances on women while claiming to be a victim of descrimination.
Ah, you’re all good. I feel rightfully shamed by my past self from giving up slackware in the early 2000s to go almost exclusively Ubuntu specifically for the package manager. I used to would have felt my adult self was a fake linux kid as well.
Odd, I specifically find the concept of this disturbing.
Wait, is linux gendered or pacman?
I run everything on steam with proton that I did on my windows PC, nothing was left behind. If you ‘add a game’ from outside steam, you can run the installer and then change the game location to the executable. Ubuntu or Ubuntu mate are what I install on everything. Recommend.
And he’s not a government official, even though he’s impersonating one, and that the administration tells the public he’s in charge of a government agency but tells the courts he’s not.
While all of these things are true, I find it disingenuous to imply that his not having been elected is somehow less accurate than any other criticism levelled against him.
I doubt he could pass a captcha.
we are legion squad.
I think it’s just to point out another layer of legitimacy he doesn’t have to do what he’s doing.
Ideally I want him to have not made something out of his control into a campaign promise that his supporters believed, but since he did, he should own it.
Or do we give him a pass because a reasonable adult wouldn’t believe anything he says is true?
you write a book that gets turned into a movie, help draft the most optimistic plan for turning a reasonable functional democracy into a dictatorship, rock eyeliner at least as well as any 80’s glam-rock start, but you fuck one* couch, and that’s all you’re remembered for.