Croque garcon?
Croque garcon?
Fuck, that’s bad news. Crimes against profit
Ok, dumb question: you still see these around. Is Trafic an actual French word or just funky spelling for traffic?
I refuse to google this question. Thank you.
🎶🎶These wounds, they will not heal🎶🎶
And depending on the era, certainly in England, many high society people didn’t get out of bed until 11am or midday.
What a positive, brilliant show! Now if only I could find some HD versions of it online for my kid…
Thanks OP, an FYI you can restore a Tachiyomi backup from Mihon to migrate straight across 👍
Just how proactive are we talking? Before every shit? The second you flush every time you whip straight around and start plunging?