• 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • Yeah, for sure. SCSI died when SAS emerged, and that’s been basically 20 years now.

    Any SCSI stuff left laying around is going to be literally a decade+ old and yeah, unless you have a VERY specific need that requires it (which really is just trying to get another few years out of already installed gear), it’s effectively dead and shouldn’t be bought for anything other than paperweights or for a coffee table.

  • The praise came from the people who have jobs being pixel peepers, not people who actually enjoy playing games.

    From a perspective of it looking slightly better when you pause a game, take a screenshot, and enlarge it so you can then discuss about the fruity bokeh or whatever the shit, the PS5 Pro is much improved.

    For everyone who just plays games on it, it’s essentially unnoticeable.

    (This applies a lot to PC gaming stuff as well, but it looks like nVidia stepped on their uh, leather coat, so hard with the 5000 series that not even the pixeleyist peepers had much positive to say.)

  • Do you have a credit card?

    If you do, Oracle offers a shockingly generous free tier of stuff. 2 little baby EPYC VPSes, a 4-core 24gb ARM instance, and a bunch of other sundries including 10TB/month of data transfer.

    You can run a LOT of fediverse services on those free Ampere instances, and even something like GoToSocial will run on the little baby EPYCs.

    And to just cut off the incoming dudes: yes, Oracle is a shitty awful company with shitty awful policies run by a shitty awful billionaire, but that’s no reason to not take free shit from them.

    (And to the next group of people: I’m closing in on 4 years of free Oracle shit and they haven’t banned me, so I’m inclined to think all those stories are incomplete and they were doing something - mining, portscanning, hosting questionable shit, torrenting stuff, running a vpn that was abused - more than “nothing”.)

  • Universiality, basically: almost everyone, everywhere has an email account, or can find one for free. As well as every OS and every device has a giant pile of mail clients for you to chose from.

    And I mean, email is a simple tech stack and well understood and reliable: I host an internal mail server for notifications and updates and shit, and it’s rapid, fast, and works perfectly.

    It’s only when you suddenly need to email someone OTHER than your local shit that it turns to complete shit.

  • Debian stable is great: it’s, well, stable. It’s well supported, has an extremely long support window, and the distro has a pretty stellar track record of not doing anything stupid.

    It’s very much in the install-once-and-forget-it category, just gotta do updates.

    I run everything in containers for management (but I’m also running something like 90 containers, so a little more complex than your setup) and am firmly of the opinion that, unless you have a compelling reason to NOT run something in a container, just use the containerized version.

  • fax the FBI their plans

    Opsec is not the fediverse’s strenth, no. Anything you post here is going right to the FBI, courtesy of Palantir and Peter Thiel.

    Anything you post online ANYWHERE is likely to end up there: if it’s not e2e encrypted, then you just told the FBI, and even if it is, you probably shouldn’t trust that it’s actually secure unless there’s public audits showing that it is, and you’re using a reproducible build from verified source.

    …also, unrelated rant: stop taking pictures of people at protests and posting it online. Why is everyone doing state security’s job for them?

  • Look, if you can post your way out of this, then we should have been able to post our way into not having to.

    But, judging from the outcomes of all THAT posting, I strongly doubt there’s a single thing anyone can post anywhere that’ll suddenly make people decide to wake up one day and go ‘Oh my! What a mess, I should throw away my entire world view and do ________!’ because that’s very much not how people actually work.

    Best case, there’s enough pain and blood to nudge the lazy fucks into doing something in 2 years, but really, that doesn’t do anyone any good for the next 2 years and also very much isn’t assured: at least some of the lazies are actually in favor of this and the facists have a pretty good grip on the media and social network effects, so you can’t make a toot and expect it’ll do shit.

    We’re past the polite letters to the editor stage, and in the misery and violence phase, even if it’s still being mostly coated in decorum.

  • I’m the same way. If it’s split license, then it’s a matter of when and not if it’s going to have some MBA come along and enshittify it.

    There’s just way, way too much prior experience where that’s what eventually will happen for me to be willing to trust any project that’s doing that, since the split means they’re going to monetize it, and then have all the incentive in the world to shit all over the “free” userbase to try to get them to convert.

  • I’m not a huge fan of the email analogy, because nobody knows how email works who isn’t a tech nerd anyways.

    See: people who ask what your gmail is, not what your email is.

    I’ve started explaining it as picking a user and server name you like, and then that’s how and where you login to the ‘fediverse’.

    Less tech people have seemed to follow that at least, since it’s a much simpler thing they can understand: they get what a username is, they get what logging in is, and they get that a username and a login lets you access something.

    And before everyone comes in with why that’s a horrible explanation, I know. It’s terrible, but it’s terrible enough that I’ve got family members who can’t keep left and right clicking sorted out to understand what I’m trying to say and how all these things are related.