sapient [they/them]

Autistic queer trans²humanist and anarchist. Big fan of dense cities, code, automation, neurodiversity, and self-organising resilient networks.

Pronouns: they/them, xe/xem, ze/zem

Favourite Programming Language: Rust

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  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Power being priced negative is awesome. We need more of it imo, make energy so abundant that it makes processes that were previously too energy-intensive viable, and enables a massive increase in both residential and grid storage capacity.

    My opinion is that Na-ion batteries are the way for bulk grid storage and apartment/home storage nya.

    They use hyper abundant materials and are now reaching the point of decent endurance, and if you arent bothered by them being heavy (as is the case for grid and residential storage), they’re fairly comparable to Li-Ion without the usage of relatively rare Lithium.

  • The link is to a court filing with the UN.

    And its not just the actions, its the statements by Israeli figures, which aren’t related to the PA/are easily externally verifiable.

    They clearly demonstrate intent and action for genocide, and the most significant aspects like razing half of Gaza to the ground, bombing “”“safe zones”“” (which are already essentially force mass migration, and what about people who cant evacuate), preventing even the most basic access to food, water, electricity, healthcare, etc. are easy to see.

    If you want more named sources, perhaps consider that Israel apparently loves to prevent journalistic entry and also bomb journalists in Gaza <.<

    And we all know what Israel’s statements are. “Everything is a Hamas base, so lets use masses of high yield bombs in highly urbanised areas while deliberately bombing the zones we pretended were safe, and our officials cheer on mass slaughter of civilians while claiming no person in Gaza can be considered a civilian and comparing them to animals or filth to be removed”

  • Corp fight corp fight corp fight ^.^

    These companies will take FOSS AI models from the cold, dead, torrenting hands of the free internet :p

    fr though, both of these corp groups push against FOSS AI - media corps because of “”“intellectual property”“” and closed AI companies for monopoly and control “”“safety”“”. But the resilience of distributed coordination and hosting makes it basically impossible to kill, just like how the war on piracy is nearly futile.

  • “Chemicals” are actually good and based when they make food have better taste, texture, and preservation qualities, especially when they are used to make things that replace environmentally destructive and more fatty or sugary alternatives - increasing agricultural efficiency and by-proxy reducing land use and runoff -and especially when the fact they’re “artificial” means they actually get tested for negative health effects . nya

    Also low sugar plant milks are very common, just drank some unsweetened soya milk right now and it was good shit ;p

    Often they are only sweetened to appeal to people accustomed to high-sugar dairy too. I started on sweetened soya milk then moved to unsweetened after a bit. Feels good to have less sugar in your diet, in general .

  • It’s actually surprisingly easy to do on a OnePlus 5T. I did it after cleaning out the port wasn’t good enough anymore (my phone was bought secondhand/refurb, and I also recently replaced the battery too . - overall the cost of both endeavours including the cheapo kit to get the thing open in the first place was on the order of £25, though I did lose the two screws for the USB port that connext it to the bottom, still works fine with the other two internal screws though 🤣).

    Eventually secondhand parts will stop being available on ebay, but for now its all good ;p. Though if your screen breaks it’s probably not worth it to replace, that part alone seems to be half the secondhand-price of a lot of phones all on it’s own >.<

  • Some of it is probably personal preference too. I really like cinnamon, which might influence why i like it particularly much in tomato sauce .

    Typically for tomato sauce I like it quite umami, so I add things like peppers (the fruit/veg and black pepper), soya sauce, salt, MSG, etc., as well as mixed “italian” (i doubt it actually is, but it’s sold as that, and I have limited spice cupboard space) herb and spice mixes (usually with stuff like parsley, basil, etc. in it), as well as sage, thyme, garlic powder, with amounts depending on what I want .

    Probably the only time I wouldn’t add cinnamon is if I was using the tonato sauce as a component of a curry, but a lot of that is because it would get diluted out and I don’t think cinnamon goes so well with some curry flavours.

  • I like to cook pasta in MSG-water sometimes. I also tend to use wholemeal pasta, which I think is important (the wholemeal aspect) .. MSG works best for me when I use it with things that already have a decent depth of flavour and/or variety of ingredients ;3. It doesnt work so well if your food doesnt have enough flavour.

    Other cool ingredients:

    • liquid smoke (works really well in a lot of things including vegetarian chilis, but especially i’ve found its good in lentil soups when you also have mint e.g lentil and pea soup, lentil, potato, onion soup, etc. .) - look for the industrial stuff, its like £5 per bottle but you only need 1 or 2 drops for litres of sauce and it will last you months, kinda like MSG. Add it near the end so you don’t evaporate away lots of the flavour, too.
    • yeast extract - this shit is delicious in tomato sauces and stews and chili, even if in the uk we typically have it on toast ;p, adds a meaty, mushroomy flavour
    • cinnamon - works amazing in tomato sauces, it sounds weird as fuck but tomato sauce without it tastes like its missing something to me now, its so fundamental to any tomato sauce i make ;3
    • bonus: yeast extract + mustard makes a really really cheesy flavour in various sauces, and its completely dairy free. I