Why, exactly, should abortion be regulated separate from any other medical procedure? I would guess the vast majority of answers are based in an ideology with patriarchal underpinnings, where the fate of women is the business of the male-dominated state.
The vast majority of abortions in the 3rd trimester are medically necessary, often heartbreaking affairs. Roe was an antiquated compromise decision and should not be seen as a template for what is acceptable in a supposedly pluralistic society that honors the freedom of individuals to make their own decisions about their own bodies.
Requiring remote federal workers — emphasis on federal, as in people who work for the United States government writ large — to report in to their home office twice a pay cycle is laughably small-minded. It would seem the undertone of this is two fold:
It keeps workers planted to specific office complexes, which has tangible benefits to the local economy that complex is located within. This means that the politicians responsible for that area can claim credit for jobs where those complexes are located, even if the job responsibilities have little to do with that specific area.
It keeps liberally minded workers from moving out of cities and into exurban or rural communities that typically vote for conservatives. This kind of movement, writ large, has the potential to really shake up national politics, arguably for the better. And we can’t have that now can we?
In both cases, this is a naked attempt to artificially control the federal workforce to benefit the status quo and keep harmful, self-serving politicians in power.