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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I’ve read these stories multiple times now and I still don’t quite understand what’s happening.

    That’s because it’s mostly lies and propaganda not aimed at you, but the Russian people.

    Russians have been burning those offices for over a year, with it ramping up after people started getting forcefully recruited. Russia as always is trying to say it’s not “real russians” doing it, but people influenced by “the evil west”. It’s their standard strategy when it comes to pretty much any set back, ever. In this case it’s mostly blamed on “evil ukranian scammers”, so they can keep justifying the invasion and occupation.

  • It’s the conspiracy theorist mindset:

    They’re people who wish they were smart, and can’t handle that they’re not. So they latch onto ideas that most people agree are dumb. Then use that to convince themselves that they’re super geniuses who have realized the truth of something that even scientists couldn’t figure out.

    Then when they’re challenged with evidence or facts, they double down and start insulting or even assaulting people in response. Because they don’t see it as evidence in an argument, they just think the other person is calling them stupid and that really strikes a nerve.

    TL;DR: They’re in denial and project their own self-hatred onto others.

  • I think they’re trying to implement a sort of “smart prediction” thing, where it assumes that if you go back the link you clicked wasn’t relevant. And so it tries to remove closely related results. Which works the opposite if you get two results from the same page and you click the wrong one. Which makes looking up technical or programming related issues a nightmare.

  • Don’t even have to go that far back: Italy is massively corrupt with organized crime running parts of the country and with a literal facsist representing them in the EU Parliment(Mussolinis granddaugher in fact). This current prime minister that is being referred to in the post is a self-proclaimed “national conservative”.

    And the fact that they kept letting Berlusconi run things is all the proof you need of how corrupt the entire country is(his “controversies” part on wikipedia is so large that it has its own page with 160 citations, he is also connected to the party of the person mentioned above).

    But it has some amazing tourist locations and food, so people gloss over that as well.

  • Deleting it goes against the premise of “No stupid questions”. Hiding information in a place literally made to give out information without judging the question, is literally the opposite of the intent.

    Many questions posted here are easily answer through wikipedia, and people might ask them in a place like this for a multitude of reasons. One of them being that they avoid looking it up directly as a way to limit themselves getting triggered from the pictures or text that might be there, and just want a more summarized answer to their question.

  • One important thing to note is that for many it hurts a lot less than you’d think, basically feeling like a light scratch.

    Wikipedia has more detailed information and sources:

    Those who engage in self-harm face the contradictory reality of harming themselves while at the same time obtaining relief from this act. It may even be hard for some to actually initiate cutting, but they often do because they know the relief that will follow. For some self-harmers this relief is primarily psychological while for others this feeling of relief comes from the beta endorphins released in the brain.

    Endorphins are endogenous opioids that are released in response to physical injury, acting as natural painkillers and inducing pleasant feelings, and in response to self-harm would act to reduce tension and emotional distress. Many self-harmers report feeling very little to no pain while self-harming and, for some, deliberate self-harm may become a means of seeking pleasure.


  • An abnormal amount of lawsuits are settled because the prosecution is pushing serious charges they might not be able to prove. Then scare people into settling by using the drawn out cost of lawsuits, long waiting times for trials(not getting out on bail until trial), etc. Since many people would rather take an average to low sentence from theft rather than risking minium sentencing from armed robbery, or would rather take a low offer from the defendant as settlement instead of waiting years for anything while spending a lot.

  • No.

    Polar bears are one of the few mammals in which “most” of them see humans purely as food. While many other large carnivores are often more careful around adult humans and don’t often go for them directly, unless very hungry, desperate or with offspring.

    But it is not strict rule.

    On top of that, mosquitos don’t eat mammals in the way you’d think of a “food chain”, as they’re not trying kill their target, just take a small part. The deadly diseases are for them an unintended and actually unwanted side-effect, they want us alive so we’ll make more blood for them to reproduce.