Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive.

If you’re too annoying on or you’re blocked.

Things people claim I am:

Russian bot: 13

Chinese Communist Party: 12

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 11

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 6

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


    • DNC invites Republicans to the convention, because somehow former fascists voting is a good look
    • Harris talks about inviting Republican officials to her cabinet, because she agrees with literal Republican supporters in 2024

    If Harris doesn’t appoint them, that’s good. If she tries to play to the genocidal fascists by adding them to her trusted team of officials, she’s more willing to work with them than the people they will hurt. Personally, I’d never work with the Neo-Nazi Party.

    Is Harris a Republican? Nope. Is she willing to work with them? Yes, and any amount of leeway to the “Let’s bring Trump back to Office” Party is too much.

  • When WannaCry was a major threat to cybersecurity, shutting down banks and hospitals, it was found that it used a backdoor Microsoft intentionally kept open for governments to use.

    EternalBlue is an exploit of Microsoft’s implementation of their Server Message Block (SMB) protocol released by The Shadow Brokers. Much of the attention and comment around the event was occasioned by the fact that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) (from whom the exploit was likely stolen) had already discovered the vulnerability, but used it to create an exploit for its own offensive work, rather than report it to Microsoft.[15][16]

    EternalBlue[5] is a computer exploit software developed by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).[6] It is based on a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows that allowed users to gain access to any number of computers connected to a network. The NSA knew about this vulnerability but did not disclose it to Microsoft for several years, since they planned to use it as a defense mechanism against cyber attacks.

    In real life, if I do not prevent someone from doing a crime that I am aware of was premeditated, I am guilty of not doing my duty. Corporations are people thanks to Citizens United, and governments are ran by people, so uphold them to the same standards they subject the populace to.

  • American Alphabet Soup backdoors good, Non-American Alphabet Soup backdoors bad.

    We could just ban the idea “companies that have open vulnerabilities for corporate and government use” but that would benefit every citizen of every nation, so no.

    If there’s a backdoor for the FBI, there’s nothing to stop Russia and China to also not use it. Same for a Chinese backdoor, nothing to prevent America from figuring it out. It’s why China bans American companies, and we’re phasing out Russian and Chinese companies.

    It’s impossible for an open door to know who’s using it, and keys for a closed one can be copied and leaked. The safest way to garuntee noone else uses a backdoor, is to not have a backdoor.

  • No you don’t understand, we use this bot to deem people as biased. Ignoring that all media is biased to its owners’ financial interest and nothing else.

    Hell has banned active users posting NBC and CBS and other reputable news outlets because they shared them too often.

    The mods who installed this bot act like its some major service, when all it does is enforce the shifted overton window and acts like news and trends isn’t bought and sold to the highest bidder.

    This bot doesn’t improve anything, it doesn’t make mods jobs easier, it just wastes energy like Bitcoin and AI farms.

  • It would be wonderful to see pro-democracy and pro peace groups holding as much resources and influence as groups like aipac does. Being able to offer candidates that sort of security. The sad truth is we can’t.

    We really can’t. AIPAC has the money if a country that gets unending support. Americans can barely afford rent. Americans are paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford sudden expenses, like medical care and bills.

    This is intentional at this point. If the people who need to vote for you don’t have the money, but the corporate and international lobbyists can fund and sway the politicians more than the general public, it’s a win/win. They get elected, pay back the companies who got them into office, and the people who got them in feel accomplished, when neither the companies or candidates care about any of the voters.

    Trump won because the poor and rural people who saw some dude talking what they wanted to hear, and he wasn’t bound to them, he was bound to thr corps and Russians donating to him.

    To stop this would stop the income of Politicians across every step of government, local, state, and federal. Super PACs outweigh any of the members of Lemmy or the Fediverse. What we want doesn’t matter.

    If we want to stop AIPAC, we would have to stop the same things that enable Russia to fund candidates. Republicans would keepto any money flowing, Democrats would want to keep any money flowing for them. Sensible people want less money in politics. Politicians don’t.

    Lobbying is good for them, and bad for us. Lobbying defunds welfare, education, healthcare, and puts that money into the pockets of the wealthy.

    And that’s not to say “both sides”, one party often has members who want to stop this. One party has a progressive wing, one party has a fascist majority. But both together will probably prohibit overturning Citizens United.

  • As if there’s any neutral news posters ever? Every press is biased in favor of what gives them more money. R2O doesn’t share Fox News, and he’s slowed down CNN. Now he posts NBC and CBS and it’s still not good enough.

    I don’t think you don’t want criticism, you want 24/7 good news like how Trump supporters say when a Fox News anchor reports on the actual size of the rallies, they call them RINOs and communists for stating the truth.

    Does anyone see when he comments on Republicans? Does anyone comment when he shares Republicans being bigots and losing? Nope. They only care when he posts legitimate criticism of Democratic candidates.