• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Before June 2023, I was a mod on several Reddit communities for about 13 years and outside of Reddit since the turn of the century. I just kinda stepped back once the Reddit BS happened.

    10 months later, my happiness and over all quality of life has improved. Not only am I no longer stressed (bye bye moderation based nightmares!), but I have way more time to dedicate to my passions and goals.

    I thought that dedication to holding together a few niche communities and battling the “bad guys” defined me and gave me a sort of immortality.

    I was VERY wrong.

    Our great grand kids won’t be trolling reddit archives, telling everyone how “cool” grandpa was.

    The greatest thing I ever did to improve my QOL was step away from moderating and leading communities on the internet as a whole. Doubly so if they involve political talk.

  • Coincidentally, I just got a knock-off Soda Stream from Phillips. It’s over $150 cheaper and works 2x-3x times better. I wanted to build something similar for a homemade soda bar concept, and discovered how truly cheap it can be to make soda and carbonated water at home. I was shocked at what a simple concept it is, and how much of a profit these sodas water companies make. Phillips even charging $50 for their system is a total rip-off.

    Truthfully, I think the increase in quality in the Phillips machine is due to fewer parts is an “exception that proves the rule” as these in-bottle carbonators seem to work better with fewer parts. It’s just a pressure hose connected to a co2 tank. Literally, all of $6 if you were to build one yourself from parts on Amazon (or $3 if you got he Alibaba route)

    I truly believe that the fewer parts the better in any DIY or commercial product due to the less chance of a failure in a part if there are fewer parts. This works fantastically for the “lower quality” producing companies, like Phillips.

    My inventive and engineering entrepreneur friends and I call this “fewer parts the better” concept, a “Murphy’s law compensator” as the fewer parts there are, the fewer parts that can statistically “go wrong”

  • It’s rare, but every time it’s incredibly unpleasant. It’s expecting to bite into a nice soft food, but instead chomping on a piece of metal, praying that you didn’t just break a tooth.

    It happened to me a few times one year when I started getting neurological disorder. It stopped once I started paying attention to what I eat, cherishing every bite.

  • “There is no point in reinventing the wheel” is my favorite saying when it comes to things like this.

    If something has been done over and over again, there is no point in doing it yourself from scratch. It wastes time, money, and effort that could be spent on creating something new.

    Humanity’s greatest strength is being able to add to the previous generation’s knowledge base, too!

    If we had to relearn how to do the same things in the same way, in every generation, we would still be in the stone age…

    When I manage folks, I expect them to steal if its already been done and especially if it’s been done to death.

  • popemichael@lemmy.sdf.orgtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldSeek relief
    10 months ago

    You’re VERY wrong.

    There is difference between the two as they are two completely seperate things.

    I am a disability advocate, and I took many courses in college on this subject while getting my doctorate.

    Drug dependence is typically defined as what causes tolerance and withdrawal. The physical effects of the need of medicine. Everything from diabetes meds, like insulin, to blood pressure medicine, to even cold medicine could be in that category.

    It’s why a person shouldn’t use nose spray but for 2–3 days as you become dependent on it, causing you to need to consume it to be able to breathe out of your nose. (FYI: It’s a VERY bad idea to become dependent on nose spray as it SUCKS for a few days getting off of it.)

    Addiction is a mental component. It is a neurological state of being. Some things are more addictive than others, with things that change the neurological state being more addictive than those that don’t.

    For example, sex, roller coasters, and YouTube shorts can affect your brain chemistry in the same way that METH can!

    TL;DR - Addiction is a neurological condition, while dependence is when a body depends on a substance medicinally.

    The number of people who suffer horrifically because of the misconceptions of addiction VS dependence is sickening.

    We NEED to remove this stigma of taking proper medication to increase the quality of life of the disabled.

  • I’m not Christian, but I did study Christian mythology while working on my doctorate in philosophy.

    There are several near universal signs that a person is the Anti-Christ

    ✅ Religious Leader - As I pointed out, MAGA is arguably a fanatic cult within the Christian belief system

    ✅ Come in the name of Jesus - He literally used his power as president to take a picture of himself in front of a church with a bible while people were protesting him. He also likens himself to Jesus whenever he faces the consequences of his actions, like one of his impeachments.

    ✅ Preforming ‘miracles’ - He has falsely taken credit for miracles of modern technology, like the quickness of the successful COVID vaccine, predicting the paths of weather phenomenon, and even gender equality in the work force.

    ✅ He will be elected to a place of great leadership and use his ‘power’ to change laws and ‘fix’ a broken society - See the year 2016 through 2020

    ❌ Denies Jesus existed IRL - He’s not outright said it, but due to his actions, he does not act like a believer in Christian mythology

    ✅ Rejects the laws of the Christian god - Through his actions and inaction, he does not live by the laws of Christianity. His violations range from divorces, hurting others, to being incredibly wealthy… The list goes on and on.

    ✅ Persecute Christians - The whole point of the MAGA Republicans and its propaganda is to target people who are Christians and make them bend to the will of Trump.

  • They took the tactic from modern day Christian televangelism.

    They use Trump as the focus of a belief system

    They twist the old and outdated morality of hyper patriotism and conservative values. They do this in order to cherry-pick rules and laws to form a grotesque dogma that bares little resemblance to the original intention of said laws and morality.

    They then use the twisted dogma to manipulate the population. They do this by feeding into the fears of poverty, ‘evil’, xenophobia, and racism. Then they offer solutions to those issues so long as they tithe (donate money), worship, and “spread the good news.”

    The solutions offered are wildly unrealistic… Free money for loyalty? Killing a whole group of people?

    Unless your name is Israel, those solutions are obviously a farce to anyone with even the smallest amount of situational awareness and common sense.

    That’s why a lot of the Trump propaganda dulls the common sense and attempts to rewrite the memory of others using memes and obvious lies.

    You have to essentially hypnotize people into believing that they are being oppressed, attacked, and that everyone but those a part of the belief system are evil baby-eaters.

    One of the major reasons that fundamental Christians and the tea party generation are such numerous Trumpism supporters…

    The hard work of brainwashing them was already done by another religion. All the MAGA leaders had to do was swap out one god for another.

    It worked for ancient Rome, and it’s working here.